This isn't just another mommy blog, it's my mommy blog. What I will write about will simply depend on my mood. Anything is possible. Along with being a mommy, I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Sometimes I will be serious and sometimes I will try to be funny, but its all in a days work. I love being a mom, its the best "job" one could ever have. Any questions or comments can be emailed to me at . Thanks for reading!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Tuba??

Once again, my 7 year old never ceases to amaze me.  On our way to school this morning he blurted out to me, "mom, I don't want to take karate lessons."  I'm told him ok.  We had never really set up karate lessons because he has already informed me that if he couldn't fight like a ninja then it was pointless.  But for a moment he was considering lessons.

So I explained to him that I would like him to take some kind of lessons outside of school. Something like karate, music lessons, something of that sort.  He is in a small private school so he doesn't get the opportunity for band or sports right now.

So he tells me that he is interested in taking music lessons.  I was excited.  I asked "You want to take guitar lessons?"  "No" he said, "I want to play the tuba."  The tuba??? Of all the instruments that he could think of he thought of the tuba.  Not the guitar (which is my choice), not the drums, not the violin, the saxophone or even the banjo .  The tuba.  I didn't even now he knew what a tuba was.  I have nothing against the tuba, but seriously there are no famous tuba players.  It's not like he can play it by itself.  What would he do with a tuba?  Could I even find a tuba for his size?  Better yet, would he even be able to blow into a tuba and make any noise?

This child, sometimes he leaves me speechless.  I have to say he started out my day with a good laugh. I love that child.  My son the tuba player ;)

P.S.- The tuba is a wonderful instrument, I hope that I didn't offend any tuba players in any way.
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Friday, August 27, 2010


For lunch today, we had Thai.   I love Thai food, it is one of my favorites.  So we are at the Thai restaurant and my 7 year old decides that he is going to eat with chopsticks.  He has no idea how to eat with chopsticks (which he used to call "Chinese sticks" loudly in the Thai restaurant), but anyway he was determined to eat with them. 

Now my 2 year old sees what the 7 year old is doing and now she wants to eat with chopsticks too.  We had a wonderful waitress who somehow tied the chopsticks together which made them really easy to eat with.  My 2 year old , however still wasn't quite coordinated enough to eat with them, even like that.  That didn't stop her.  She refused to eat with her fork now.  She screamed and hollered every time she dropped food from the chopsticks.  She was determined, more determined than the 7 year old.  She was going to eat all of her food with her chopsticks.  The fork was not an option.  She did allow us to help her as long as we didn't use the fork.  It was very entertaining to watch.  The satisfaction on her face when she got a decent amount of food in her mouth was priceless.   Like she had mastered the art.  She didn't care who was looking or what people thought, she just did it and in the end she succeeded.

I envy her determination.  I would have given up way before then.  I didn't even attempt to eat with chopsticks because it took to much effort and would take to long.  Plus, I didn't want to embarrass myself. That is how we get when we grow up.  We lose interest in learning something new.  We don't want to put any effort into anything. We get stuck in what is easy and we figure what is the point.  Next time , I will try something new and I won't give up until I succeed, thanks to the lesson I learned from my little baby.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Momma Warned Me

One thing about my mom is that she doesn't sugar coat anything.  When I first talked to her about having children, she bluntly told me "Life as you know it is over."  I kind of laughed it off thinking that I already knew that.  But she was right.

I often hear women talk about how after they had kids that they didn't realize how different it would be.  They complained about how they could no longer do this and do that.  That their kids held them back, they could no longer have fun.  I am looking at them thinking apparently they didn't have a momma like mine.  To me I thought what did you think it was going to be like?

Something else that my momma told me about having kids is the love that you have for them.  Now that was the biggest surprise to me, even though I was warned.  I never realized how much I could love someone I just met.  I never thought that I could love two people exactly the same amount but differently.  I can't remember how my life was before them.  It seems as though they have always been here.

Yes, they are a handful.  Yes, life is completely different once they arrive.  Yes, you may not be able to party with your friends anymore (at least when they are little).  But what you get in return is beyond measure and makes your old life seem, well obsolete.  I'm glad my momma warned me about having kids.  I went into it with my eyes wide open.  I knew what I was giving up, I just had no idea what I was getting in return.  Thanks Mom!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Today Is A Gift

Once again I find myself watching a silly movie with my 2 year old.  Tonight it was Kung Fu Panda.  Great selection right?  The funniest part is that I  actually learn lessons from these silly movies.  Sometimes they even make me cry, if you share that with anybody I will totally deny it.

Well tonight while watching Kung Fu Panda, I caught the part where the wise tortoise tells the bumbling panda that "Today is a gift, that is why it is called the present."  It kind of stopped for a minute from what I was doing, and it got me to thinking wow, why do I keep forgetting that?  Not only that but it stuck with me for the rest of the evening.

Sometimes we get so caught up in everyday life that we forgot.  I do.  I have two wonderful gifts that I take for granted daily.  I get so wrapped up in everything else, working,  cooking, cleaning, washing, that some days they get overlooked and neglected.  No matter how hard I try I feel that I fall so short at being a good mommy.  Everything that I do is for them, but sometimes in doing everthing for them I don't get to spend that quality time with them. That important one on one time, bonding time. That makes everything that I do for them in vain. 

So I will remember daily that today is a gift and that is why it is called the present and I have two of them.  Thank you silly movie for reminding me about what really matters!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Best Baby Shower Ever!!!!!

Today I went to what was the bestest baby shower ever.  It had what just about every other baby shower has, gifts, food, games.  But what made this shower so special???  It was at the best donut shop in town.  Yes, you heard me a donut shop.  I felt like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory, singing little songs to myself as I smelled the aroma of the donuts. (I am singing as I write this post) I think I gained about 10 pounds walking into the place.  

Yes, I am a health nut junkie, but I do believe that sometimes you can indulge in things not so good for you, in moderation.  Yes I like to eat,but I don't want anyone thinking that I am food junkie.  I limit myself.  I try to balance, like sometimes I have a salad and onion rings for lunch ;)

Back to point,  donuts, yes donuts.  It was awesome.  A tiny tear fell from my eye as I was asked what kind of donut I would like and how many ;)  I only had one and a half there (then I ate some more when I got home, I drank like a gallon of water to wash it down, so I'm good). I just won't eat anything tomorrow and I will probably run a few miles.

Anyway, I had a wonderful time, not just because of the donuts (that was just a plus).  I got to spend some time with some wonderful friends.  Great conversation with great friends and good donuts, what more could a girl ask for?  Thank you Meche's Donut King, you made all of my dreams come true!!!
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are Your Seriously That Happy??

After another trying day at my job that I cannot stand, I decided to reward myself with a latte from Starbucks.  I know they are not good for me but I deserved it.  I had actually talked myself out of getting one, twice before I finally gave in and stopped.  Was it worth it?  Definitely, it's Starbucks!!

So I ordered my latte and drove up to the window to what must have been the happiest person ever.  As I am sitting there smelling the aroma (I seriously could live inside of Starbucks) but anyway, I am wondering "Are you  seriously  that happy?  I know I am a downer,  sometimes my miserableness gets in the way.  But I just found myself so envious of her perkiness.  Why can't I be that excited about my job?

Then I got to thinking maybe that is their job.  What if they go to happy classes to learn to be bubbly happy baristas?  This isn't the first time that I have encountered this unusual perkiness at a Starbucks.  But I will make it my mission to find out if they are seriously that happy, even if I have to visit every Starbucks in the world ;)

I must admit that her perkiness did rub off a  little or maybe it was the latte, anyway after I left I felt a lot better.  Thanks Starbucks, keep up the good work!!
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Little Eyes

When my son was about two he started doing some really funny things.  I remember one time going to the drive-thru of a restaurant and as I picked up my order, I could hear screaming from the back.  "Thank you!!!!" said my two year old in his car seat in back.  The first time he did it I was a little startled.  It took me awhile to realize what he was saying.  

There was also another time when I heard him say "excuse me" as he was getting out of someones way.  The man looked at me making sure he heard correctly.  I guess he was impressed, that a two year old was so polite.

The funniest part is me trying to figure out where he learned it from. I have always tried to make it a habit to be polite.  I do it so much that i don't even realize that I am doing it.  But my son did notice.  He observed it, retained it and used it when appropriate.  His little eyes picked on the things that I did just as a habit. 

Did he know that he was being polite?  Probably not, but that's not his job.  Its my job to teach him how to be a good person.  Its my actions and reactions that his little eyes see.  I mess up a lot,  A LOT!!!  I am sure he sees that too.  But I can only hope that I do the right thing more than I do the wrong thing.  Hopefully his little eyes will know the difference.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


My parents warned me that this would happen.  They said it many times "One day the two of you will be best friends."  I thought they were insane.  I used to say to myself, "Like that would ever happen."  What do they know? It was the craziest thing that I had ever heard.  Best friends, right! When would that ever happen?  Not while I am alive.

I hate when my parents are right, which is usually about 99% of the time.  But this is something that I am so very glad that they were right about, my best friend.  It is funny because we used to fight like cat and dog, sometimes we still do ;)  But at the end of the day she is my bestest friend.  She is my biggest fan.  The only person that doesn't look at me like I have totally lost my mind when I come up with an insane idea.  Instead she says, " I think you can do it."  She has been through the wringer and yet still manages to have a smile on her face.  I can talk to her about anything without being judged, well almost anything. She gives till it hurts and she loves unconditionally.  She is my bestest friend.   When it feels like the world has abandon me, she hasn't.  God made us sisters for a reason.

Yeah, we still fight, and sometimes it ain't pretty.  But I am so proud to say that my sister is my bestest friend and my biggest fan!!!  Thanks, sis!!!!

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Beauty Feels No Pain??

Tell that to my face!!!  Whoever made up that expression must have been crazy.

I have always had the unfortunate problem of acne.  For as long as I can remember I have had acne.  I have tried every remedy, every medication known to man.  I have gone on Accutane twice and still have acne.

Well today I had a PDT (photo dynamic therapy) treatment done to my face.  It is supposed to help clear up existing acne, reduce pore size, reduce oil production along with improving the appearance of the skin. (everything Accutane is supposed to do without destroying your insides)

I am not vain by any means, I just am sick of being 33 years old and still having acne. I mean something has got to give right???  It's painful, annoying as well as embarrassing.  So today I had the treatment done.  I look like I feel asleep outside in the sun and now have a massive sunburn on my face.  It hurts, it feels just like a bad sunburn.  I just keep telling myself that it is the end result that matters.  Hoping that this is all worth it.

So as I am sitting here with an ice pack on my face because it hurts,  I ponder the expression "Beauty feels no pain."  I wonder who in the world came up with the expression.  And who made up the criteria for beauty anyway?

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I'm a Mess

I have to be one of the most unorganized people I know.  I can't get organized to save my life.  I will try and it will last for a day or so and then back to the way it was.  I don't know why, maybe laziness, maybe I just get a little overwhelmed.  The lack of help might also help with the problem.  I would like for everything to have its place, I just don't know where to start. I like things neat and tidy but at home, is just doesn't happen.

I am not a hoarder by any means, just don't ask my husband.  I do keep a lot of junk (just in case I may need it).  My house is not a disaster area.  It is the papers everywhere, nothing seems to have a place.  I need a home makeover.  I need to get organized. 

Well today I did do something different.  I sat down and made a dinner menu for next week.  Now hopefully I can follow it.  That is my new goal to make a weekly menu and stick with it.  Not to say that no alternatives can be made.  But maybe if I can take little steps I can get to the organized person I dream of being.  This mess is driving me mad!!!!
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's That Time Again!!!!

The other evening my 7 year old ran into my room while I on the computer in a complete uproar.  I could barely understand him and then he finally began to speak clearly.  I was relieved to find out that his dramatic entrance was only caused because he didn't want to go to school.  We had gone earlier that day to purchase his uniforms so I am assuming that it started to sink in that school would soon be starting. 

I have been talking to him for weeks preparing him for school.  He will be in the second grade and has so far made straight A's.  So what is his problem??  Your guess is a good as mine. 

Actually he is extremely shy, he gets that from his dad, because I know he doesn't get that from me.  We put him in a small private school so that he can get the attention he needs and is not overwhelmed.  We figured that it was the best for his extremely shy personality.  But even with all of that, he still freaks out on the first day of school. (He has been going to this school since he was 4 and knows everybody.)
Well today was his first day and he did ok.  He only had a little cry as his daddy left.  Asked if he could call, made sure his teacher had his daddy's phone number.  But this year, he didn't call (he called last year).  Progress!!!! We will see what happens tomorrow.
Maybe I need to make his summers more boring so that he can't wait for school to start.
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Monday, August 9, 2010

Who's the Sucker???

The most stressful part of my two year old's day would have to be deciding what snack she would like.  She will politely ask for a snack and bring me to the cabinet and then carefully go through her choices before deciding.   She then points and says "that one." And you thought your day was stressful.

Well today while she was about half way done with her snack she decided that she wanted something else.  So she brought me the half filled snack and went back to the cabinet.  This time she knew exactly what she wanted.  She picked it out immediately and I willingly gave her, her request. I am trying to be a good mom and make sure that my child doesn't starve (I know that won't cause her to starve).

Then I got to thinking about what had transpired between me and my two year old and felt kind of outwitted.

My theory is, my two old is way smarter then I give her credit. She strategically planned to eat half of her first snack (the one she really wanted, which she literally ate half of it) and then went for a second snack (one she also wanted but, not as much).  And me, I am thinking well she didn't eat all of her first snack so it is ok for her to have something else.   I am sure she knew that if she had finished her first snack the the additional snack would not have been an option.

So now I wondering,  who's the sucker???   I guess that would be me ;)
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Friday, August 6, 2010

The Moon

On our fifteen minute car ride home this evening, I must have heard , "Mommy, where de moon doe?" about 20 times.  That was from my two year old, who has a recent fascination with the moon.  Sometimes during the day she will look up at the sky and ask me and every night you can bet she will ask about 20 times, especially if we are in the car. As if the moon were playing hide and seek with her.  When she sees it again she will say, "Mommy, dare da moon." So now there is my amazement with her milestone of putting sentences together and her amazement with the world around her. 

It's funny how something like the moon can be extraordinary with her.  And when the moon become so ordinary with me? What happens to our fascination with things as we become older?  I watch both my children who view the world with such amazement and fearlessness.  Whether it is observing some mysterious bug or just having fun playing in the dirt.  Everything is wonderful to them.  When did things stop being wonderful with me?  I think as be become older we lose our facination with things and become bored with them, we become bored with ourselves.  If only we could see the world again through their eyes.

There are maybe two things that still amaze me, besides my kids.  Those are sunsets and clear nights when all the stars are out. Both are so beautiful that I just stop and stare. And for just a moment, that moment, things are peaceful and calm.  If only I could view everything with such amazement, maybe I would be more concerned when the moon went missing too.
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

That Dream I'm Dreaming

When I was little I would dream that I lived in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.  Why?  Because I like to eat, seriously I'm joking.  I wanted to live there because it was a wonderland, a magical place where dreams come true. (And you could also get a lifetime supply of chocolate ;)

I'm a dreamer, a day dreamer mostly. I dream about what I want to be, what I could be or what I should be.  Most of my dreams are squashed before they could ever take flight. Someone always says "Stop Dreaming, you'll never reach it", a lot of times that someone is me.  I let other peoples disinterest in my dreams control whether I pursue them or not.  I am not talking about the silly dreams like when I was a child,  its the big dreams, the real ones, the possible ones. 

Why do we give other people control of our dreams? We let other peoples opinions matter so much that it will either make us or break us. Only trying to reach our dreams if someone else thinks it is worth it.

This is what I have learned, there may be a lot of people who don't care what you have to say or don't want to hear what you have to say.  There are some that think what you have to say is stupid or meaningless.  But there are a lot of people who do want to hear what you have to say, and they believe what you say has importance.  Don't let other peoples opinions determine your dreams.  Dream your own dreams, hold on to them and don't let go.
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Monday, August 2, 2010

When I Knew Everything

Some days I wish that I could go back to when I knew everything, you know those teenage years.  And boy was I a know it all back then.  My parents say that I knew everything back then, and just about every teenager you run into these days knows everything.  So I would really like to go back there.  Because now it seems that I have lost my mind and know absolutely nothing about anything.

It's funny how I knew everything back then and still made a lot of well, stupid (for lack of a better word) choices.  Why do we say if I knew then what I know now?  Well, apparently I don't know anything now, according to my 7 year old.   Oh, to be young again.

I have come to the realization that I will never know everything.  If I did know everything, what a boring life that would be.  But with age comes wisdom, even though I am not very wise either.  Nevertheless,  I have matured a little since my teenagehood.  I still pretend to be a know it all, but that is ok because I know that I really am not.

Sarcasm and humor seem to get me through adulthood.  But it still would be nice to go back, back when I knew everything.
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