This isn't just another mommy blog, it's my mommy blog. What I will write about will simply depend on my mood. Anything is possible. Along with being a mommy, I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Sometimes I will be serious and sometimes I will try to be funny, but its all in a days work. I love being a mom, its the best "job" one could ever have. Any questions or comments can be emailed to me at . Thanks for reading!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Where's My Baby??

I can't believe that he is already 7.  Yesterday he was off to summer camp for the week.  Would you call me a cheesy mom if I told you I missed him and he wasn't even gone but a couple of hours?  I cleaned up his room for when he gets back, and as I am cleaning I'm looking around thinking where is my baby.  (As I am writing this, I miss him so much.)  Its like I blinked and suddenly he was 7 years old.  All of the baby toys that used to take up so much room in his bedroom have now been replaced with tiny legos and video games. I don't want to think of him becoming an adult, I know it is inevitable, but I want him to stay small just awhile longer.  

Its all those little moments that we take for granted, like when he won't shut up.  My son loves to talk and once you get him started that's it, he goes on and on and on. Or better yet, when he asks me the same question over and over because I didn't give him the answer he wanted or thought was right. (if he knew then why did he ask me?).  Even better, the temper tantrum that my 2 year old is throwing because she is not getting her way.  Frustrating as it may be, sometimes I catch myself in that moment that little moment and that's when I thank God that I'm alive.
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Best Entertainment

My seven year old is a trip.  The things that come out of his mouth, if I told you everything you wouldn't be able to catch your breath from laughing so hard.  We were in Toys R Us a few months ago looking at different toys.  I try to reward him every once in awhile for good grades, being nice to his sister, and helping me around the house.  Well, I try to be a cool mom and keep in the know about cool toys, so I see this cool Ben10 Omnitrix. So,  I am telling him, " look at  this cool Ben10 watch."  (I called it a watch, go me!!!).  He looks at me and says, " but it doesn't turn you into anything."  He was serious, in his mind what was the point if it didn't really turn him into an alien.  I really didn't know what to say to that. Anyway, we ended up spending another hour in the store until he decided on a more practical toy. (that didn't turn him into anything either).

He also didn't want to take karate lessons unless he could learn to fight like a ninja.   He is now reconsidering karate lessons after seeing The Karate Kid (which is a cute, cute movie by the way). After the movie he drilled me on the difference between karate and kung fu and which one is best or better.  What am I going to do with him?

Kids are so entertaining, the things that come out of their mouths. I wouldn't trade him for the world.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So What if I Like to Eat

My husband made the comment to me that I only like to go on vacation to eat different foods. Well yeah, duh, I like to eat. Guilty as charged. Like last year when we went to Tampa, our days were planned by Lunch and Dinner and then we filled in the extra time with activities, like going to the flea market (which is amazing), zoo, Busch Gardens, etc. Did he really think I would go for anything else? They have places like Pollo Tropical , Bahama Breeze and Moe's.  He thinks I'm crazy, but I know I am.   When someone says lets go to Galveston, I say yeah they have Tortugas and Ben & Jerry's, not yeah they have Schliterbahn and Moody Gardens (I know I'm sad).  My husband shakes his head and laughs.

Yes, when I wake up in the morning I am not thinking of breakfast, I already know what I am eating for breakfast, that is usually fruit. I am thinking now what am I going to eat for lunch and during lunch I start to think now what I am going to eat for dinner, I'm sorry I thought everyone thought that way.  No I don't pig out and usually don't overeat either.  I just love food and I am always game to try new foods.  You name it I will probably love it,  Thai, Indian, Mexican, Cuban, Honduran :), Greek, Italian, Japanese, Chinese.

So what if I like to eat, I know I am not alone.
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Because I'm not Ready!!

There I admitted it, I said it, my baby is now 2 years and 2 months and I have come to the realization that I just don't want to potty train her right now. Although after the mishap the other day I am starting to change my mind (I will spare you the disgusting details). I am also not ready for her to sleep in her own room. As independent as she is, I just am not ready. She is my baby and she is probably my last one, so can't I just keep her little a little while longer.  Before I know it she will be grown and going to college and she surely will not be sleeping in my bed then and she definitely will be potty trained.  So is there any harm in me not being ready??  I know, I know, it is really time for her to start using the potty and I am really getting sick of changing diapers.  I will keep you posted on our progress.  Her using the potty and sleeping in her own room and me letting her do it.

What happened to my little baby?  Where did this big girl come from?
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Friday, June 4, 2010

Part-time Mom???

I have the utmost respect for stay at home moms, in fact I used to be one.  Fortunately I was able to stay at home with my son until he two years old.  But, my husband was looking into opening his own cabinet shop and knowing that it would be really difficult financially I decided to go back to work.  It was harder on me than my two year old.   I made the sacrifice so that my husband could fulfill his dream of owning his own business and not working himself to death in the process.

This is what gets me, when some moms who stay at home call themselves a "full-time mom". Ok, what does that make me a "part-time mom" ? Just a question.  I still have to wash the clothes, clean the house, make dinner, play with the kids and on top of that go to a job that I hate (well, dislike a lot).  I envy those women that can have a thriving career and still run a household, I also envy those women that are fortunate enough to be able to stay home with their kids and not miss a moment.  I didn't have the same opportunity with my daughter,  I have been working part-time since she was two months.  So does that make me any less of a mom?? I don't think it does.  Any mom is a full-time mom.  I don't stop being a mom when I go to work. I am not trying to be politically correct, its just that sometimes words like that hurt.

In a Funk!!!

There is nothing like an awesome song and the beautiful face of a two year old to get you out of a funk, even if its temporary.

So I have been in a real funk lately, don't why just am. So I stumble on this awesome band called LADY DANVILLE and I am listening to their song "Cars" and my beautiful two year old walks in with this smile on her face. How did she know that I really needed that right now? So I pick her up and we dance, dance around the bedroom and she is smiling from ear to ear.

God always gives me what I need exactly when I need it.

Confession of a Crazy Mommy

I am crazy and I will admit it, but I think that every mom has a little bit of crazy around. With all of the crazy thoughts that enter my mind about being a mommy and a wife I thought why not start a blog about all the craziness. I am sure many can relate. So I have two kids, a 7 year old boy and a 2 year girl. The 2 year old is quite a handful but I wouldn't trade either one of them for the world. I have been married for 10 years, boy does time fly. Can I get a trade in after 10 years?? Just kidding. I work part-time for a lawyer (go me!!). I hate it. Writing is my passion, and I am going to try really really hard to keep up with 3 different blogs so wish me luck.

Make sure to check out my other two blogs and


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