This isn't just another mommy blog, it's my mommy blog. What I will write about will simply depend on my mood. Anything is possible. Along with being a mommy, I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Sometimes I will be serious and sometimes I will try to be funny, but its all in a days work. I love being a mom, its the best "job" one could ever have. Any questions or comments can be emailed to me at . Thanks for reading!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sleeping In

So, Christmas is officially over.  Thats the bad news, the good news is that I have the week off.  It is part of my vacation at work.  Every year my boss literally shuts down the office for the week.  Its nice, it has its perks ;)  I spend months planning out what I am going to do on this week.  Organizing the house, getting paperwork in order.  I have a really long list.  So what is the problem,  I rarely get anything done.  It is already Wednesday and I have gotten maybe 5 things checked off of my list.

I rather sleep in.  Yesterday and today I slept till at least 10:30 am.  The little one hasn't been feeling well so she has been sleeping late.  So I thought might as well enjoy it while I can.  But I am not getting any of my projects done.  Better yet, right now I am writing instead of cleaning.  What else is new??  This is my escape, and right now it is my excuse.

Better get going I only have a few days left of my vacation ;)
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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Where's the Tape??

I had to threaten my son the other day.  It's not what you think.  I told him that I was wrapping his Christmas presents last and if there wasn't any tape left then I was going to bring his gifts back to the store.  I know it sounds harsh, but this child would use all the tape in the house if I left him alone.  Leaving me at the last minute running out to the store to get a stupid roll of tape.

My son, the inventor.  He is always coming up with something.  I walked in his room the other day and the above picture is what I found. It is a boat, I guess a house boat or something of the sort.  He is very creative. He used paper towels, newspaper, some other stuff and of course tape.  My tape, the tape that I can never find or find an empty roll in the drawer where I keep it.  He will usually say, "I didn't use a lot, come on Mom."  Am I supposed to be sympathetic to this.

I usually buy him his own roll of tape but it isn't long before that is gone and he is back at mine.  What am I going to do with this child?

I know I do need to encourage and support his antics, and I do, I just like to pick with him. One day he may invent something spectacular and make lots of money so I won't have to work anymore.  That is the goal at least ;)  So I guess I should stop giving him such a hard time about the tape.
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Shopping Buddy

My daughter loves to shop.  Yes, she is only 2 almost 3, but she loves to shop.  She is a good shopper too.  I usually let her walk around.  She sticks close by, sometimes hiding in the clothes but she never strays away from me.  She loves to look at clothes, shoes, you name it she loves it.  I love bring her shopping with me, she is so much fun.  That is until Friday.

I brought her shopping with me Friday.  I had to pick up a few more Christmas gifts (no I am not done yet).  Well we are in one of the department stores, when she grabs my hand and starts dragging me across the store.  I have no idea where she is going until she gets to the escalator, point and says "I want to go on that."  She discovered the escalator, the department store ride that all children are just mesmerized by, so adults too. So I tell her to wait a minute let me finish what I was doing and we would go.  After a lot of hesitation she finally gave in and decided to let me finish.  (Who is the boss here right?)  So I kept my promise we went on the escalator, she was happy and we continued shopping in the rest of the mall.

On the way back, we had to pass back in front of the escalators again.  I am assuming she figured that because we were done shopping that we could spend the rest of the evening riding the escalator.  I brought her twice this time thinking that I would get it out of her system.  As I am trying to walk out of the store, she puts on the breaks and refuses to move.  My one had is full of bags and the other is trying to steer her towards the exit.  I now was unwilling to give in.  I picked her up and proceeded to walk out the door.  She proceeded to throw a fit, screaming and hollering to the top of her lungs.

By the time I reached the car I was in a sweat.  She refused to get in her car seat, still screaming and hollering like I had beat her.  It was really embarrassing.  I finally get her in her car seat.  She is still screaming, halfway home decides she wanted to buckle her car seat herself.  So at a stop light I have to unbuckle her car seat for her to buckle it back.  After that she was fine.  Oh, what a day!!!!

Not so sure I will be bringing my shopping buddy out with me anytime soon.  I am still sore and recuperating from the last outing ;)
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Friday, December 10, 2010

I Used To ....

remember things
have a flat tummy
not have stretch marks
be thin
not have a stack of tires around my waist
actually fit in my skinny jeans
pull all nighters without batting an eye
not be tired all the time
have a clean house
know everything ;) (still do ;)
be 20 something
not have cheerios all over my car
not have toys all over my car or house
not have to work
not worry about everything
have good hair days
have money
know what I wanted to be when I grow up
dream in color

Too bad I can't remember all the things I used to be, have or want. Actually I just thought of something else, but forgot it again. I guess that all comes with age.  Maybe one day I will realize that it is a blessing that I used to have but don't anymore.  Ten years from now I will have a whole new list to write,  it will probably be a lot shorter because I won't remember anything by then ;)
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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mittens ??

Well, she is at it again. If it wasn't for my entertaining children, I would have nothing to write about.  They keep me on my toes and always have me laughing.

It is actually cold here in South Louisiana.  The other evening I pulled out the coats and a pair of pink mittens for my daughter.  She was really excited when I showed them to her.  We got her bundled up and were off to where ever it was that we were going to that evening.

Around bed time she was in her PJ's and she brings me her mittens.  She got one on but had trouble putting the other one on.  So I put on the other mitten, she went to play with her toys, with her mittens on.  Now these are mittens not gloves, there isn't much you can do with mittens.  But this is a determined child as you can read from my past post.

So later on she was asleep in bed (yes, she still sleeps in my bed, but that is besides the point.)  So I get ready for bed, fix the pillows and I notice that she is sleeping with her mittens on. My house is not that cold, not cold enough for mittens anyway.  This has to be one of the funniest things she has done lately.  This has been going on for a few weeks now, when she remembers her mittens , she has to put them on and she had been sleeping with them, playing with her toys (don't ask me how) with them.

Oh, the other night she found some gloves, she tried them out for the night.  Guess they aren't as good as her little pink mittens, because I haven't seen them since.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Finally Momma's Boy

When my son was really small he was my baby, but once he turned 18 months that was it.  I guess that is the age where they realize that they are a boy like daddy.  Mine became a real daddy's boy.  He thought his daddy hung the moon.  Even when he got hurt, he went running to his daddy.  It hurt my feelings because I always thought that boys were supposed to be momma's boys. Not mine. He even went so far at to tell me that I was the only one that would be able to hold the baby when I was pregnant with my second child.  His daddy was off limits.  Yeah, he is funny and the things that come out of his mouth even funnier.

But here lately, I think he is finally becoming a momma's boy.  He always wants to go run errands with me.  He will sit by me to watch movies, especially when he is scared.  He always includes me in everything, playing video games, watching movies.  He likes to talk to me about things, we get into deep discussions.

But the best part is when we are out running errands, he holds my hand.  At first I though it was because he didn't want to get lost.  But he is old enough to understand, plus he never used to hold my hand.  It is really sweet.  I will admit it was a little odd at first, he is not the most affectionate child.  Now, I look forward to it.  I try to make sure we have our time.  We go on dates sometimes just me and him, out to eat or to the movies.  The last movie I saw at the theatre was "Legend of the Guardians." It was my pick.  Sometimes I wish they would stay small forever.  I know I am going to miss this when he is older.

But for now he is finally momma's boy!!!  I have been waiting for sooooo long ;)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree!!!

When I was little I sang my own version of that song.  I would circle around the Christmas tree and sing.  My kids, they don't sing, they fight and scream while trying to decorate the tree.  And me, I am fussing back at them.  There is no background music, just chaos and too many little hands. It is eventful to say the least.

The other evening I conquered the task of putting up and decorating the Christmas tree.  I really didn't have a choice.  It was supposed to happen the day before but we just didn't seem to have enough time.  My seven year old was sooooo dramatic when we told him he would have to wait another day to put up the tree.  I am not sure what the problem is.  I didn't wrap any presents yet, so I had nothing to put under the tree, yet.  It is not like Christmas would come any faster or any slower but putting it off one more day.

For me putting up the tree is exhausting.  We have a fake tree because I am to lazy to have a real one.  Actually I would probably forget to water it.  Plus I hate stringing lights and my fake one is a pre-lit.  So I have the task of taking it out of the box and making it look like a real tree.  After that I take out the unbreakable ornaments and let the kids decorate. I have a system and my kids well, they ignore me and do what they want to do, fighting the whole time.  The breakable ornaments go on last, that is my job.  My seven year old does help, he actually drives me nuts trying to help.

Well, mission accomplished with the tree, it is up and looks pretty good.  My two year old decided she was going to test me by messing with the ornaments.  I told her to leave them alone because some could break.  She looks at me and bats one, like the way a cat bats a toy. She bats the ornament, which wasn't breakable, but the one next to it was and it fell and broke.  She got in trouble, of course.  The next day she told the babysitter not to touch the tree or "momma spank your butt."  She knows too much.

I know, I am going to miss the craziness when they are older.

So that task is done, now if only I could finish my Christmas shopping, I'd be good.
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Friday, November 26, 2010

This Is Madness!!!!!!

No, its not Sparta, this is Black Friday!!!!!!! Well I guess you can call me crazy.  Yes, I along with my sister went out into the madness also known as "Black Friday".  Only our "Black Friday" started from Thursday about 9:00 pm.  Now it is never my idea to go out into the madness of crazy people out to find the best deal possible.  My sister however is a fanatic.  She has been talking about it for the past week.  She had her sales papers lined up and her list made before I even got to her house for Thanksgiving dinner.   And of course me being the good sister that I am cannot allow my sister to face the madness alone.  Just about every year I go with her.

So this is how our madness began.

I was already tired from the night before, the little one had a bad night and woke us up quite a few times.  I was unable to get in a little power nap for the night ahead because we had to make a few stops to visit before going to my sisters for dinner.  But still tired and all, I decided to press on.

Around 9:00 pm we decide to go the Toys R Us because they open at 10:00 pm Thursday night with all of these great deals.  We drive by the store and the line is about a mile long (literally).  Although we are crazy, we are not that crazy to stand in a line that long.   Whatever we would be going for wouldn't be there when we got in the store anyway.  We would just go back later. So, on to Walmart,  I hate  (yes I said hate) Walmart on a regular day (too may people and not enough check out lanes.)   Anyway so we arrive at Walmart about 9:10 pm., the deals don't start till midnight.  I wanted to go home and take a nap but my sister wanted to go in an scope the place out.  I didn't win the conversation.  In an effort to help me with my tiredness my sister purchased me this 5 hour energy shot.  I usually don't take this stuff, so a half a dose had me going. It actually worked, although I do not advise the use of such products, even though they are completely legal ;) She is such a bad influence (and my parents call her the good one).

So after three hours of crazy people we did manage to get some good deals.  It was just our luck that as we reached the check out lane a cold front decided to come through.  As we are leaving the store the rain is come down hard and sideways and it is getting really cold.  I ran to the car drove it up and we literally threw everything in, a few things got a little wet but were were soaked.  We went to my sister house to change since she lives close.  We finished that and we were on to Toys R Us.  We got a few good deals but spent way too much money.  I was consumed with delirium by now, no sleep and lots of caffeine. We then went back to Walmart for their 5:00 am deals.  Why?  Because this is "Black Friday">.  We were dealing with a different breed of crazy people because this is when their electronics went on sale.  People were standing next to the items with their hands on them waiting for 5:01 am.  When 5:01 hit it was pure MADNESS!!!!!  My sister made her way through the madness to grab the items that we had went back for.  I am not equipped for that kind of madness and panicked and stepped away from the crowd.  We did get what we went there for, well almost anyway.

So on to the next store.  Nothing to see, so we went to IHOP (yummy) for breakfast.  My sister was starting to wear down I could see it in her eyes.  But by now we might as well finish what we started.  So I took charge. After two more stops and a few more good deals we were done, FINALLY!!!!   I got home after 9:00 am and hadn't slept for over 24 hours.  I crashed and now I am sharing my journey with you.

So here's to you "Black Friday"  and my 5 hour energy shot for such a memorable time of madness.  Until next year ;)
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Monday, November 22, 2010


This evening was bittersweet.  This evening my 2 1/2 year old got her first haircut by moi`.  Ok, it was just a trim but because her hair is so curly it looks a lot shorter.  I am one of those moms that think little girls should have long hair, why, because I did.  So it was extremely hard for me to do.  I had to do something with her hair, it has been getting very knotty lately.  It has also been dry and breaking,  I have been putting everything I can think of to help, but nothing was working, so I decided to trim it. There are so many different lengths and although it seemed long it wasn't a lot of her hair that was long.  So now it is all one length and it looks healthier and shinier. 

It took me about 20 minutes of her sitting on the counter with the scissors in my hand to make the initial cut.  I kept saying "I can't do it!!"  You think that's bad my seven year old was two before he got his first haircut.  He had these beautiful curls and looked like a little girl.  I barely cut his hair the first time, it was still long but he at least looked like a boy after. 

It is bittersweet.  It means that they are getting bigger.  I am sad to see her growing into a big girl, but at the same time excited at what comes next.  I miss her small but I love her little personality at this age.

She of course loves her hair and kept posing in the mirror.  I tried to take a picture but you can't really see any difference in her hair in the pictures.  I will try to post some more later.  Yes, she was running around  the house in her Tinkerbell PJ's dancing with her new do ;)
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


That describes me lately.  I have just been so tired lately.  I know I am making excuses.  I have been slacking with everything from taking care of the kids to cooking dinner.  It has especially been affecting my writing.  I don't know what my problem is.  Not getting enough sleep.  The excuses could go on and on.  It needs to stop, I need to get my rear in gear and just get going again. 

I know, I know, from most of my posts it seems that I am a slacker about 90% of the time.  Seriously, usually I am on the ball ;)  No seriously I am. Just too much on my mind, lately.  Hopefully I get back to normal soon, whatever normal is.

Anybody want to come clean my house???
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Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm Not Your Momma

(Disclaimer:  To all my male readers, you may not appreciate what I am going to say in this post.  Proceed with extreme caution.)

Ok, so I was talking to this man that I know, earlier today.  He was telling me over the weekend about how he and his wife were cleaning house and he did the things that she told him to do and when he was done, he went to install some programs on the computer.  So the rest of the day she was being really rude to him and brief.  When he finally asked her what was wrong, she explained to him that she was cleaning the whole house and he wasn't helping, in fact he was playing on the computer.

I was laughing.  I myself have come across this problem quite frequently with my own husband.  I just thought for awhile that it was just my husband, but apparently this is a man thing. So this man is looking at me saying, she didn't tell me what else I was supposed to do.  So I said to him, she is not your momma.  She is not supposed to tell you everything that you are supposed to do.  He said that is what she told him.  I tell my husband that all of the time.  I am not your momma!!!!

Seriously men,  do women have to tell you everything that you need to do?  You can't look around the house and see what needs to be done and just do it?  Dirty dishes need to be cleaned, dirty clothes need to be washes.  The floors need to be vacuumed, toys need to be picked up. You get the picture.  Women aren't the only ones that can do these chores.  But is seems that men either really don't notice or pretend not to notice. 

Bottom line,  we need help and we shouldn't have to ask for it.  We shouldn't have to tell you what needs to be done.  Look around, see what needs to be done and just do it.  Surprise your wife or significant other.

Remember, she is not your momma!!!
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Men Do It Too

So the other morning on my way to work, I noticed something peculiar.  As I was waiting at the traffic light I looked over at the car beside me and it there was. 

I have never been one of those women who puts on make up in the car.  On occasion I may put on chap stick or lip gloss, but never anything else.  If it isn't done before I leave the house, its not getting done.  I so often see women putting on their makeup, fixing their hair, primping in  their car on their way.  I also hear men complaining about it and making fun.

Well men,  you can no longer make fun of those women, because apparently men do it too. I saw it first hand.

Let me finish my story.  I look over and there is a man shaving in the car next to me.  I laughed.  It was an electric shaver, of course.  Could you imagine someone shaving with a razor and shaving creme, that would be funny and a big mess.  But this was funny too.  He had the mirror down and he was shaving on his way to work, I guess.  I got a kick out of it.

So women we are not alone,  men just act like they don't do stuff like that. But now I know better.
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Today Just Stunk

I am glad the day is over.  I am ready to retire for the night.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  I hate the time change.  If I had the choice I would not participate, I think its stupid.  Adjusting to the time change, whether you gain an hour or lose an hour doesn't help me either way.  Either the kids are up early or I can't get them up because they are too tired.  So for me it doesn't help me.

This morning my seven year old wasn't feeling good and my two year old was just whiny, off to a good start.  I got stuck in traffic because of an accident, so I was late to work, again!!

Work sucked today (excuse my foul language ;)  I was nonstop.  I had (have) more files on my desk then there are in the file cabinet and they don't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.  My  boss had me help him move a heavy table and when I could barely lift it he looked at me like I was a wimp.  I'm a girl,  I may not be "girlie"  but I am still a girl, duh!!  That was the funny part of my day. I couldn't get out of the office fast enough.  I guess I was in a rush to get home to my whinny children ;)

Well now everyone is asleep, and soon I will be too.  Wish I had something better to write about, today just venting.  Tomorrow, hopefully I will have a good story to tell.  Buenos noches!!!
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Friday, November 5, 2010

I Really Need A Vacation

I need a break, a day off, no a week off.  I really need a vacation.  I need some time by myself to sit in the  sun and relax.  I need to have fun and take a load off and leave all my cares and worries somewhere else.  I don't remember the last time that I had a real vacation.  I mean one that didn't involve chasing the kids around, picking up, cleaning up.  Usually I need a vacation from my vacation.

This week has been trying to say the least, but when is it not.  I need a break from everything.  Just some peace and quiet.  Some "me" time.  Yeah, like what is "me" time anyway?  I could use a refresher, but like that is going to happen.

Like I could really leave my kids for a week by myself.  I would go nuts.  What could I possibly do by myself for a whole week anyway?  A girl can dream can't she? 

One day I will take that vacation,  I just need to figure out where I want to go.
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Monday, November 1, 2010


As I am sitting here typing this evening,  my two year old in sitting in the bed singing.  Every little song she can think of and even making up a few.  Why is she doing this?  Simple, she doesn't want to go to sleep.  If she lays down, she has given up and in a few minutes she will be out.  She can't do that.  She is not as tired as usual because she took a really good nap today.  So she has a little more energy than other days. 

I see her slowly creeping her way to the edge of the bed, trying to skillfully and sneakily climb out.  She is talking jibberish  right now.  I can't understand a word she is saying.  One thing I know for sure, there may be a small battle tonight to get her to sleep.  Because tonight, she is wired.  With that cute smile, I will not be broken down, she will not win.

Why is it when we are little going to sleep seems like punishment?  We we are older, we can't seem to get enough of it.  What I would give to sleep all day without a care in the world.

Update:  She is now out of the bed on the side of me talking.  Hopefully I won't lose much sleep tonight.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bottoms Up!!

In an effort to get back into the swing of things, I have decided to start juicing again.  I haven't been eating very bad (yes I have), but I could also use the extra punch that juicing gives me.  It just makes me feel good, instant energy.  It helps my system work better, my skin, you name it, it  helps.  Plus it also helps me make sure that my kids are getting what they need (as far as raw fruits and veggies go).

So why am I writing about this on my mommy blog?  You will see.

So the other day I start, I go to the store get what I need.  I get home and pull out my juicer, dust it off (I washed it off, it hadn't been used in ages.)  I pull out the fruit and veggies, carrots, apples, beets, celery and a sliver of pineapple, in the juicer they go.  I was actually surprised to see my two year get excited and she waited patiently for her juice.

When I was finished I poured them into three glasses.  My husband won't drink it if it has celery in it, big baby!!  So the two year old is actually drinking it,  I was so excited.  I call the seven year old in and point to his glass.  "Oh, man," he says,  I guess he was having traumatic flashbacks from his younger years where I would juice almost daily.  So he asks if he can drink it outside and mysteriously spills it on himself.  He didn't spill it all and managed to drink most of it and I am pretty sure that he didn't accidently spill it on him.  It is just funny how he comes in the house explaining what happened.  My two year old actually drank all of hers and has been without complaint.  I only wish I would have taken a picture of my seven year old with carrot juice on his face and shirt ;) Better luck next time, I am sure it will happen again.

Hopefully I can keep this up for me and for them.  Bottoms up!!!
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Am I A Hoarder?

I got this great urge to clean my house the other day.  A few nights ago a group of girlfriends and I started talking about the show "Hoarders." I haven't seen the show because my husband is too cheap and we only have basic cable.  But that is besides the point.  They were discussing things back and forth about different shows and they people on them.  I guess if you have seen the show, you know what its about. It got me to thinking, am I a hoarder?

No my house is not that bad, at least I don't think it is. I do like to keep things,  in case I need them later.  Things seem to pile up on me, I get overwhelmed by the mess.  I don't like to throw certain things away.  I do like to collect odd things that serve no purpose.  I don't collect trash or anything like that.  Actually looking around my house, I may have a slight case of hoarding.  I keep papers for years and keep every little piece of paper for who knows why.  It kind of drives me crazy.  Things do have a place and I don't have to dig to find things, unless its clothes ;)

I guess the better term for me would be "pack rat". I do admit to that. Even my son is a bit of a "pack rat".

But that ends now, no more keeping things for the sake of just keeping things.  I have got to learn to let go and move on.  If I haven't used it in years or if I haven't used it at all it needs to go.  There is no point in keeping papers for years, its got to go!!

Just talking about that show got me worried, I have got to start cleaning ;)  I don't even want to think for a second that I could become that bad.  I have to stop it now!!
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Friday, October 22, 2010

Apparently That Is Me

Have you ever went into a hospital and saw a really dramatic women there?  You know the one who freaks out over the needles or the IV that they are trying to draw.  Even worse the one who passes out because she looks at the IV.  You know who I am talking about, the over dramatic person who keeps apologizing for her craziness, but keeps acting crazy.  The one that really gives the staff a run for their money, and hopefully a good laugh.

Well, apparently that crazy person is me. 

Thursday morning around 1:00 am, I found myself with excruciating back and abdominal pain. It really was bad.  It had started around 7:00 pm the previous evening and progressively got worse.  I thought it would pass and was determined to wait it out, because I am stubborn.  But, by 1:00 am the pain was so I bad, it was unbearable.  I then decided to go to the emergency room.  I needed some kind of relief.  Besides the fact that I was worried that it might be another kidney infection, or something more serious.

So I drove myself, in pain, to the hospital, checked myself in and then the crazy part.  So I know that they need to draw an IV in order to give me pain medication.  I understand this fully.  But when they came to draw the IV she had trouble threading it and I started to get woozy.  I told the tech that she would just have to take it out.  I think I hurt her feelings.  She then went to the other arm to try to draw on that side and I asked her to wait until I got my bearings back.  She left the room.  I felt really bad, but was afraid of fainting.  Yes I am one of those. Well, I wasn't yelling and screaming from the pain, I'm too tough for that, its just the other stuff.

So the doctor comes in trying to trick me and starts asking me a lot of questions while another tech comes in acting like she is just "looking".  She gets the IV drawn and I glance at the IV and then the room started to close in.  I was lying down and was about to faint.  They laid me back with my feet elevated and the doctor is fanning me.  Yes, it was even funnier in person.  I was embarrassed.  I didn't completely pass out, but came close. I kept apologizing for my craziness.  I kept saying, I'm usually not like this.  I am sure that they have heard it all.  After that I got some pain medicine and was a happy camper or a drowsy camper.  They didn't have much trouble with me after that, except for the numerous questions that I kept asking.

Come to find out I was dehydrated and some other minor things that you really don't want to know.  She said that it also looked like I had some kind of virus that could have been what was causing my pain.

So an eventful morning of my craziness and soon I will get a wonderful doctor bill.  Go me!!!

At least it was nothing serious.  I am such a drama queen!!! I could take the pain but not the needles. Hopefully I made the staff at the hospital have a more eventful morning, it was really quiet before I got there ;)
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You Made A What??

Source-grades-demoImage via Wikipedia
Once again I am the worst mommy.  A few weeks ago, my son came home with a "C" on a math test and I literally went ballistic.  He is smart, too smart and he made a "C".  Yes, I was upset, really upset. We studied the week before and even the night before and he knew everything.

This is the problem with my 7 year old.  He rushes and makes careless mistakes, that is what makes me angry. He is not a "C" student, he is an "A" student.  If he was a "C" student then and "C" would not be a problem.  But he doesn't struggle with his work.  He gets it and understands it right away.  Just when he is taking the test he rushes and he doesn't check over his work.  He rushes because he gets awarded for getting his work done and then gets to play with his friends. So I am stuck with the task of being the disciplinarian because my husband doesn't think a "C" is bad.  Well its not if he is a "C" student.

I understand now why my parents pushed me.  As parents we want our children to live up to their potential.  If he was struggling and having problems with his work, then a "C" would not be a problem.  But when he doesn't want to study and acts like he know and makes a "C" then we have a problem.  I want him to live up to his potential and will push him anyway I can to get him to where he needs to be.

My only question, am I being to hard on him???
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Monday, October 18, 2010

My Doctor's Appointment


I had a doctors appointment first thing this morning at 8:00 am.  I had forgotten about the appointment till I was reminded late Friday evening.  This morning I am rushing, I am tired, but I have to get my 7 year to school and then myself to my appointment, which is on the other side of town.  Running late as usual, and since I didn't remember about the appointment the previous week I had to send an email to my work to let them know that I would be a little late coming in.  I am thinking this is just a quick check up, so I should be in and out. No problem.

The appointment was with my dermatologist.  I had a very small atypical mole removed on my stomach about three months ago and they just wanted a recheck.  So I am thinking he will quickly check the area and then I am done.  No problem.  Well, it didn't quite go that way.  Because the mole was "atypical" meaning it wasn't cancerous or even precancerous, it just wasn't normal, they had to do a whole body check (it wasn't as bad as it sounds, but I will spare you the details).  Lucky me!!

Seriously, I was not prepared for this, luckily my undies had no holes in them ;)  But I would have least shaved my legs.  Today was definitely not a dress day.  I know, I know he has probably seen worse, but I didn't want to be the worst today.  Luckily I was one of his first appointments, so hopefully I was worsted out by someone else.

I just sat in the room waiting in my designer gown and laughing, this is what I get.  It was funny, I should have known better.

So the appointment took longer then I had anticipated and I was later for work then I wanted to be. But all went well except for my pride. 

Lesson learned be prepared and expect the unexpected at next doctors appointment.  You never know what will happen. And there is no such thing as a quick check.
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Friday, October 15, 2010

Always a Price To Pay

So you all know about my "girlie" quest. Well, I have invested in a few pairs of really cute shoes. Well, the truth is they were on clearance and I found them really cheap so I had to buy them, other than that I would be wearing my flip flops or sneakers. I also have a few pairs from back in my "girlie days" you know before the kids came along.

So at work today I am walking around in another pair of my cute shoes, they are literally killing my feet. So I'm wondering why such cute shoes have to be so painful? I mean seriously, the only reason I can wear these to work is because I sit at a desk all day (most of the day). Sometimes I run around the the office with no shoes, because they hurt so much.

Why is there always a price to pay to look cute, or to try to look cute ? I spend more time adjusting my shoes then actually walking in them. What is the point when your feet have band aids and blisters all over them? Why am I doing this to myself? I must be crazy!!!

You have to starve to be thin, workout to get fit. Actually fix your hair to look presentable. I hate having to make sure my clothes match and my shoes match my purse, or my outfit.

Maybe I should just accept the fact that I am not cut out for this and go back to my flats and baggy clothes. My ponytails and mismatched clothes.

Oh these shoes, I would throw them out but they are so darn cute!!!
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Thursday, October 14, 2010


Apparently my two year has decided to boycott the potty and her naps.  She has outright refused to use the potty for the past two days and hasn't taken a nap all week.  The other morning she woke up and said "I need to potty."  So I said, "Well lets go use the potty."  She answered, "no, I no want use potty." On top of that she gets so miserable in the evenings because she is so tired.  I just finished listening to her screaming and hollering for nothing because she was beyond tired and didn't want to go to sleep.  She is sleeping now, finally.

As for the potty, it seems no amount of currency will change her mind, not even M&M's.  I tried to bribe her the other day with M&M's and she simply said, "no!" I guess maybe she is not ready, or maybe she is just lazy.  I can't decide.  She did go a few times today, when she was literally placed on the potty. 

What is a mommy to do?  This chick is really a challenge.  A strong will, mind of her own.  I really thought we were making progress, obviously I was wrong.

So she is too big for naps, but too little for the potty. 

To bad I can't boycott being a mommy, just for a day.  Just a thought ;)
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Monday, October 11, 2010

Deja Vu

You know its bad when you start dreaming about work.  I guess maybe before going to be last night I must have started thinking about work and what was on my desk preparing myself for the day ahead of me.  Usually I try not to think about work at all.  Some days I just hate my job, but then again who doesn't.

So I had this dream last night that I am at work.   Don't you hate when you dream it really feels real, so instead of having really cool and exciting dreams I am dreaming of a place where I have to spend the entire day at.  Like working there isn't enough, I have to dream about it too.  As you can tell I really feel cheated, I don't want to dream about work.

Anyway back to my dream.  So in my dream I am at my desk and the phone rings, so I answer it.  It is my boss and he is telling me to make sure that I get him something for lunch.  Well in my dream I must have been psychic because I already had his food ready for him when he got in.  In my dream I told him that it was already there, I was praised for being so efficient, now I know I was dreaming.

Well, today at work I am sitting at my desk and the phone rings.  It is my boss.  He called to make sure that we ordered him lunch.  I am like wait a minute.  As you can see my job is really exciting.

I seriously spend way too much time at this place,  I really need a vacation.  Usually I day dream at work, but rarely have dreams about work.
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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cutting Down Trees

That is what is sounds like right now, as my husband is sleeping and I am writing this post.  Its loud, obnoxious and makes me want to beat him in his sleep.  He is a snorer.  A bad one at that. (Hope he doesn't read this post).

Every night as soon as he falls asleep it starts.  I literally have to yell at him and beat him to stop.  Its a pain I know, but I signed a contract, for better or worse, for richer or snorer ( I mean poorer).  I know he can't help it, but that doesn't help me much when I have to get up early too.  When it wakes my up in the middle of the night, or when I can't fall asleep because it is so loud.  I try to fall asleep quickly before it begins and hopefully it won't wake me up. But it doesn't always work out that way.

I know, I have my own annoying little habits, but we are not talking about me right now, are we?  Well I will admit that one time when I was pregnant with my son, I woke myself up I was snoring so loud. My husband was looking at me laughing, we were watching a movie and I feel asleep. That is usually the only time I snore, when I am pregnant.  At least that is all I will fess up to;)

It is finally quiet now, let me get to bed before he starts cutting down trees again!!
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My 1st Blogger Award

This is so awesome.  This weekend I received my first award as a blogger from an extremely talented fellow blogger for my blogs Walking By Faith, Even When I Cannot See and Confessions of a Crazy Mommy.  I am honored and so excited.  The most awesome part is that the person that passed this award to me lives on the other side of the world.  How cool is that???

She has quite a few amazing blogs, her blogger name is Syracuse Pike and her blogs are:

It is awesome to have your blog read by people who live in the same country as you, but when someone from another country is reading what you write, on the other side of the world.  Well it leaves me a little lost for words.

So I am supposed to list 7 things about myself before passing this award along.  Here goes:

1.  I am afraid of the dark, seriously;
2. I am my own worst critic;
3.  I have two amazing kids that never cease to amaze me;
4.  I get discouraged easily;
5. I am extremely impatient;
6. I have a really hard time keeping my mouth shut, it gets me into a lot of trouble; and
7.  I love to write, it is one of my greatest passions!!!

Well that is it, lame I know, its late.

But who to pass it onto is the question.

The truth is each and every blog that I follow, I love.  Each and every one is unique and amazing in a different way.  Each blogger has a passion and has stepped our of their world into this blogger world to share their stories, lives and passions.  I am honored just to have stumbled onto this world and share my life with you.
So, I guess I will list my top five in no particular order, here goes:
1. Eat My Dessert First
3. Food4Thought Ministries-

oh and one more

If I had the room I would list all of the blogs that I follow, really I would, they are all amazing, each unique. But above are the ones that inspire me the most.  Please check these out and the others on my blog list.

Thanks again blogger world!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

So Pitiful

I hate when my kids get sick.  I feel so helpless.  There isn't much you can do but try to make them comfortable, give them lots of liquids and hold them lots. And who can forget lots of hugs and kisses.

The past few days my 2 year old has been a bit under the weather.  It is so pitiful.  She isn't really grumpy or anything, with the exception that she cries for everything.  Her voice is really raspy.  She is really congested. As soon as the weather changed I could hear it in her voice.  She doesn't fell so good but still wants to play. 

It happens in spurts.  One minute she is dancing around, the next she is taking a break lying on the floor.  She wants to go outside and play, but even that only last a little while. She doesn't seem to know what she wants, but I guess that isn't just because she is sick, that is most of the time.

She doesn't eat as much when she is sick, which makes me feel really bad.  All I can do is wait it out.

She is sleeping right now, so things are quiet and calm.  I am starting to think that she may be using this little cold to her advantage.  She is quite smart you know.

My little baby, I hope she feels better soon !!

Monday, October 4, 2010

I Can't Win

Well I have been on a little quest to become more "girlie".  No particular reason, just trying to fell better about myself.  So today, here goes.

Today wasn't off to too bad of a start.  I didn't have a good hair day, but that is typical.  I wore my heels, not the wedges like I usually wear, I am getting brave. I can't really walk in high heels, but I try, it sounds like a horse is coming because I am so spastic and uncoordinated, go me!! 

Well I was off to a pretty good start.  Work went by ok, which typically means  that I got through it.  So on my way home I realize that I have to stop at the grocery store.  I always have to stop the  grocery store, I should buy stock.  Well my shoes aren't the easiest to walk in.  So why wear them you ask?  I like to feel tall, I'm about 5'7 1/2"  so with my heels Iam a good 5'10", it gives the illusion that I am thinner and plus it makes me stand up straighter and it makes me feel more "girlie". 

So as I am walking through the store I am literally praying that God does not  let me fall and embarrass myself in front of all of these people.  By this time my feet are killing me.  But beauty feels no pain, right?? Whatever, anyway I was walking though the store and find a tear in my new purse.  It wasn't like that when I bought it,  I must have snagged it on something, of course.  And my favorite sunglasses broke,  I can still wear them but they have an obvious crack around the lenses, actually a split.  I only paid like 3 bucks for them, but they are really cute. Not anymore.  Finally I am finished at the grocery store. 

So after all of this I decided to treat myself to Starbucks.  I was really careful, afraid that I might spill it on me with afternoon that I was having.  I didn't spill it , but I burnt my tongue drinking it, yeah, go me!!

Oh, you want to hear something really girlie.  A weeks ago when I was getting ready for church I nicked my leg shaving and all I had were Scooby Doo band aids.  It looked really nice with my dressy dress and dressy black wedge shoes ;)

I can't win!! Well, all I can do is look back at everything and laugh!! I enjoy all the little things that go wrong, it makes me really appreciate when things go right.  It could be worse.  But if everything went perfect then I wouldn't be me ;)  And I wouldn't have anything to write about ;)  Sorry for being all over the place this evening, just the perfect ending to another imperfect day!!!
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Saturday, October 2, 2010


Yesterday, we had Thai for lunch again, same restaraunt as the last time.   My two year old wasn't really feeling herself.  She has  been dealing with allergies all week and seemed a little run down.  Thinking she wouldn't remember the last time we ate there, I fixed her plate and got her fork out.  

Suddenly and without warning, she spotted a set of chopsticks and literattley threw the fork to the other side of the table.  With excitement in her eyes, she grabbed the chopsticks as if saying  " I remember this place, I get to eat with sticks."  

The funny part is, she dropped one of her chopsticks, so she then proceeded to eat her meal with one chopstick.  Refusing her fork once again. She twirled her Pad Thai on her one chopstick and literally ate her entire plate that way. 

She then got a little tired so I started to feed her, of course with the chopsticks (I am not allow to feed her with a fork at this place.)  I grabbed another chopstick off the table and started to feed her.  She got her second wind and grabbed the chopsticks from me.  She then started to pick up the food and eat, with two chopsticks.  She did a really good job. They were not tied together this time either.  It was so impressive that the waitress who was Thai, asked how old she was because she was doing such a good job.

It didn't last long, but at this rate she will be a master at chopsticks before long.

Impressive and she wasn't feeling good.  My baby!!!  I only wish that I would have had my camera to capture it.
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Are You Talking About My Child?

I was talking to my sons teachers the other day while picking him up from school.  I wanted to make sure that he wasn't giving them any trouble and trying to see if there was anything that needed to be addressed.  They replied that he is such a pleasure to teach.  He is quiet, polite and very helpful.  I was taken back for a minute and almost asked "are you talking about my child?"  Since his school is very small I figured they didn't have him confused with another child, but still wondered in the back of my mind.

It reminded me when I was little.  I was the perfect child, when my parents were not around.  I remember my parents also being in shock when they were told that I was obedient, polite and helpful.  As if they were talking about another child.  My parents would laugh about it all of the time.

Like my son, I also drove my parents nuts.  Not listening, fighting with my brother and sister or whatever else the case may be.  I bet my parents wished that they could trade their me for other peoples me.  You know the "good one".

It funny how our kids are usually really good for other people, not so much for us.  My son drives me absolutely crazy sometimes, but he is an angel for other people.  He listens, does as he is told, understands right away.  When he is me, I might as well be talking to the wall.

I am proud, that people are impressed by him.  I am proud that he is polite , quiet and very helpful.  That means that even though he is not like that with me, that I have raised him right.  At least he knows how to act in public. 

As for the two year old.  I'm not so sure, she is a little more difficult and has a mind of her own.  With her I don't think I will be asking, "are you talking about my child?"  I might say, "not my child again."  ;)  Hopefully she will turn out as good as her brother, only time will tell.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm Firing My Maid

Today when I got home, my house was a mess.  As usual my maid refused to clean it.  I really don't know what to do with her.  She thinks that because she works, cooks, grocery shops, does the laundry, etc., that she doesn't have to clean the house.  How lazy is that? She knows better than that.

She is always complaining about how tired she is, but she is always on the computer, blogging or something.  Sometimes she stays up till after midnight on that stupid computer.  No wonder why this house is such a mess.  If she would spend that time cleaning instead of playing.  What she needs to do is get off of the stupid computer and clean this house.

I mean sometimes she surprises me and will actually straighten up a little bit. She always cleans the kitchen after dinner.  Plays with the kids a little, helps with homework. Then is back on the stupid computer posting on her silly blog.

I've just about had it.  I'm firing my maid.  You know what that's ok because I quit.

Whew!! Now I can finish my post without worrying about this messy house, its not my problem anymore.  I wish ;)
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Monday, September 27, 2010

I Got Served

I took my usual power walk this evening.  It is the one thing that I have managed to keep up with among other things.  Faithfully 5-7 times a week I walk about 2-3 miles.  Sometimes I even run a little, I can probably only run about 1/8 to 1/4 of a mile at a time, stopping a little to catch my breath.  Any more than that and I may just pass out.

I live on a dead end road and its about a half a mile long so, I walk back and forth till I have made my 2-3 miles. You get the picture.

Usually I am the only one walking, sometimes my neighbor will come with me.  Other then her, there really isn't anybody else. Well, this evening while I am feeling good keeping my stride, along comes this 13 year old.  I am assuming that she was about 13 (she could have been younger).  Anyway she is running, she passes me and runs the whole way, the whole 1/2 a mile.  Not only that, she is wearing a knee brace.  So now I'm walking with my head held low because I just got served by a 13 year old.  What a difference 20 years can make.

If I were to run 1/2 a mile, I probably would have dropped to the ground halfway there.  My body would have given out on me, besides me not being able to breathe.  The best part, upon returning back she walked about 1/8 of a mile to catch her breath and started running again.  I couldn't bear to look, I was so ashamed ;)

Getting old stinks.  Your body refuses to cooperate, fat just attaches itself to random parts of your body and just refuses to leave.  You run out of breath just thinking about exercising.  I am out of breath after changing my 2 year old's diaper. Go me!!

Yeah!! I got served!!
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm Running Away

My mom used to say that to us all of the time.  I never really got it, until now.  I guess she would get so frustrated she just needed to escape. She never really would say it seriously, just jokingly. She would always laugh when she said it.  Maybe if she could have, she would have. Still, it always made me wonder why she said it at all.

It's funny because I hear myself saying it more and more. Not like I would every do it, I think about it, but nah that would never happen. I get frustrated, I get overwhelmed, but run away from those big eyes and beautiful faces, never!!

Motherhood is hard and sometimes you do dream of running away.  When the kids are fighting and screaming, when everybody is looking at you.  What is for dinner?  What about this?  What about that? Are you trying to drive me nuts. Enough already.

That's it, I've had it, I'm running away!!!  ;)  ;)
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not Even Close

I've said it before, I'll say it again, I am not dainty.  Not even close.   I thought this week I would "try" to be more girly.  I dressed up a little more for work, picked out some of my cutest outfits, put on my makeup and wore my new 3" wedge shoes (I can't wear regular heels, I will hurt myself). 

Well yesterday goes like this.  I woke up late, my hair looked like I put my finger in a light socket.  I didn't have time to straighten it, so it went into a sloppy ponytail the best I could.  It looked ok but not like one of those girls whose hair looks awesome without even trying. I put on my brand new long dress (I love this dress, one of those mustard color flowing dresses, really cute).  Anyway, my new shoes and was rushing to get out of the door. 

So already, I am running late.  My seven year old is upset because he won't be early for school.  Get him off to school. Get to work.  I almost twisted my ankle trying to walk in my new shoes.  The best part, my new shoes catches the hem in my new dress and rips it out, so half of my dress is longer then the other half.  Go me!!  I couldn't change fast enough when I got home.  Today wasn't much better. I almost tripped and fell half a dozen times. I just can't win.  Not even close!!!
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Monday, September 20, 2010

Oh No, I Sound Like My ....

I hate those moments when I say something and then realize that I sound just like my mother.  It seems to happen a lot more since I had kids, well actually since I became an adult.

Its funny when you are a kid and you think you know everything and you parents tell you, one day you will understand.  My parents always liked to say one day when you have kids.  Of course being the know it all that I was when I was a teenager, I figured that they just didn't know what they were talking about.

The other day when I was talking to my seven year old I had to look around because I could have swore that my mom said something, but my mom wasn't there.  It was me.  I hate when that happens.  I stop in mid-sentence realizing what I am about to say and I just laugh.  When  I am hard on my son about his grades in school or fussing at the baby for who knows what.  I sound just like my parents.

The most embarrassing part is admitting it to my parents.  Its really bad when it happens in front of my parents.  My dad thinks it is the funniest thing in the world.  He even does a little silly dance, the I told you so  dance.  Like he couldn't wait till the day that I realized he was right.  He waited 30 years to do this dance and he got the last laugh.

Well one thing is for certain.  One day I will get to do the silly I told you so dance.  One day I will be right too. 
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Friday, September 17, 2010

Outsmarted Again!!

Just another disclaimer in case the following information may be TMI for some readers ;)

This morning I was awakened to the tune of "Mommy, I need to potty!"  I was so excited that I rushed out of bed brought the baby to the potty and Yep!! she did it.  So we did our little song and dance.  She was rewarded with her M&M's (yes, it was early but I am trying to be consistent, plus she only gets like 4 anyway).  Thinking the day was getting off to a good start, with her especially.  Then about an hour later she used the potty in her pull up.  So now I am little confused.

It was later determined that she probably wanted M&M's for breakfast.  She woke up and thought M&M's, I got to use the potty. So, she had her fix and was no longer interested in the potty because she didn't need anymore M&M's. She is too smart.  I know M&M's are not the best choice,   but its her currency.  Stickers, she is not too big on, but candy, which she doesn't get often, now you are speaking her language.  Maybe I need to change the currency, I don't know, but I won't give up.

(Oh and for the record she did actually have a real breakfast, M&M's were not the only thing she ate this morning, I'm not that bad.)

She did do ok so far today.  I just have to figure out a way to outsmart the chick.  Strategy here.  I never thought that I would have to outsmart a 2 year old.  She is willing to use the potty, just on her terms.

I guess I will have to outwit, outplay, outlast.  It is too late to turn back now!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Let the Games Begin!!

Disclaimer: Subject content of the following blog post may be TMI (too much information) for some readers, proceed with caution.

Yes, it has been a few months since I first spoke about potty training my baby.  I finally did it, I finally broke down and bought some pull ups and some M&M's.  (The pull ups for the baby and the M&M's for me, because I will need a chocolate fix after dealing with her ;) No, the M&M's are for her, I have to have some kind of currency to get her motivated.  I've had the potty for over a year (hey, it was on sale for like 10 bucks).  So for the past two weeks I have been determined to get this chick out of diapers and into some big girl panties.

I'm proud of myself, I am finally ready, I want her to stay a baby but I am really tired of changing dirty, stinky diapers. Of course, she is now 2 1/2 so its time. She will just be my baby who uses the potty. Its a win, win situation. Besides the fact that I have to chase her around the house and catch her to change her diapers because she thinks it a game. So I am out of breath and she is giggling.

We almost got no.1 down, but if you don't ask her, she it not telling. And well no.2, she much rather hide in her closet, behind the door or under the table. Actually the other day she hid behind the door in the bathroom, so at least she is getting close.

Well today, she stayed at her Grammy's and must have thought that she was on vacation from her nap and the potty, every time my mom asked her, she would say "Abby don't need to potty."  Yes, she talks in the third person, but that is another post all by itself.  So tomorrow is another day. 

Let the games begin!!! Bring it on baby, because this is going to happen!!!

Lodi dodi we likes to potty ;)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Running with Scissors

This afternoon, my seven year old zooms out of his room excited carrying a pair of his scissors.  Now this child can only come up with stuff, so I could only imagine what was about to come out of his mouth.  "Mom, can I go outside to cut the grass around the swing set,  with my scissors," that is what he said to me. 

Trying not to laugh I told him that it was not a good idea.  I didn't want him to cut his hand or hurt himself trying to cut the grass with his scissors.  Well apparently, now I am a mean mom because he has a very dramatic exit to the tune of "you never let me do anything, I'm bored."  He is in tears and his face is red, I guess I smashed his dreams.

Trying to explain to him my decision was not taken very well.  He thinks that he is supposed to be able to do whatever his little heart desires. I am just holding him back. 

Now, I am trying to get inside his little head.  Was he really that bored as to pick up a pair of scissors and say I think I will cut the grass?  Now these are kids scissors, with rounded tips, so I don't even know if they would even cut the grass if he tried.  Apparently he was determined to find out.

So I guess I am the meanest mom in the world for not letting my 7 year old cut the grass with scissors.  I am not allowing him to express himself and explore his surroundings.  Go me!!

Oh, 10 minutes later he was fine and forgot about the whole thing. So I guess I didn't traumatize him too much ;) You gotta love these kids!!

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Some Big Sunglasses

We had another entertaining morning on the way to drop off my 7 year at school.  We were reviewing things in the car, he had two test today, so I was making sure that he knew his stuff. Of course that in itself was like pulling teeth. He hates to study, it usually takes about 2-3 hours to do homework because he gives me so much trouble (he only has about 30 minutes of homework each evening). You get the picture, he is very dramatic.

In order to change the subject, and get the focus off of him and reviewing, he decided to tell me how ugly my big sunglasses were and that it looked like I was wearing them upside down. He then proceeded to ask me 21 questions on why I choose those particular sunglasses.  For the record these are not my regular sunglasses.  I bought them on a trip because I forgot the ones I usually wear.  They are rather large and I use them when I have my PDT treatment because after I have to wrap myself up like a mummy so that the sun doesn't damage my skin for the following 48 hours.

I happen to like my sunglasses, I can see how he though they were upside down.  I also think he was trying to be funny,  and avoid the obvious.  However, he did have us laughing.

My son is usually not that rude, only to me.  I try to teach him not to say rude things to people.  Of course the rules don't apply when its me. But he is still an awesome kid, oh and he made A's on both of his test, so he's smart too ;)

(In the picture I am wearing the sunglasses that became the subject of this mornings discussion. Yes, I know the little one outshines me, she always does ;)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

No Pain, No Gain

Tomorrow I get my second PDT (photo dynamic therapy) treatment for my acne.  I am not looking forward to the next few days. It's exhausting, uncomfortable and well I look, for lack of a better word, gross for a couple of days.  But is like the saying "No Pain, No Gain."  It seems like I have to tell myself that for everything. It stinks,  why can't we all be born perfect?

Sometimes I wonder why I do this to myself.  I guess it is worth it, I can already see improvement in my skin after one treatment.  It doesn't make me look forward to the procedure any more.  But it has to be done.  I have to put my face in the light (literally), and get burned.

The funny part is my son is absolutely bewildered by the idea of why I am doing this.  He cannot understand why I would do this to myself.  He makes a face and says "Why?"  I'm actually glad that he doesn't understand it.  It keeps him innocent and untouched by the stigma of beauty.  To see things through the eyes of a child, I wish.  They see true beauty, inside as well as out. Not me though, no I have been tainted, I've bought into it, I drank the kool-aid.  I just have to make sure that they don't become like me.

Oh, tomorrow.  NO PAIN, NO GAIN!!! (I have to keep saying it ;)
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