This isn't just another mommy blog, it's my mommy blog. What I will write about will simply depend on my mood. Anything is possible. Along with being a mommy, I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Sometimes I will be serious and sometimes I will try to be funny, but its all in a days work. I love being a mom, its the best "job" one could ever have. Any questions or comments can be emailed to me at . Thanks for reading!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Let the Games Begin!!

Disclaimer: Subject content of the following blog post may be TMI (too much information) for some readers, proceed with caution.

Yes, it has been a few months since I first spoke about potty training my baby.  I finally did it, I finally broke down and bought some pull ups and some M&M's.  (The pull ups for the baby and the M&M's for me, because I will need a chocolate fix after dealing with her ;) No, the M&M's are for her, I have to have some kind of currency to get her motivated.  I've had the potty for over a year (hey, it was on sale for like 10 bucks).  So for the past two weeks I have been determined to get this chick out of diapers and into some big girl panties.

I'm proud of myself, I am finally ready, I want her to stay a baby but I am really tired of changing dirty, stinky diapers. Of course, she is now 2 1/2 so its time. She will just be my baby who uses the potty. Its a win, win situation. Besides the fact that I have to chase her around the house and catch her to change her diapers because she thinks it a game. So I am out of breath and she is giggling.

We almost got no.1 down, but if you don't ask her, she it not telling. And well no.2, she much rather hide in her closet, behind the door or under the table. Actually the other day she hid behind the door in the bathroom, so at least she is getting close.

Well today, she stayed at her Grammy's and must have thought that she was on vacation from her nap and the potty, every time my mom asked her, she would say "Abby don't need to potty."  Yes, she talks in the third person, but that is another post all by itself.  So tomorrow is another day. 

Let the games begin!!! Bring it on baby, because this is going to happen!!!

Lodi dodi we likes to potty ;)


  1. My son is 2 and a half too, he has apparently had a wee on the potty at nursery but I'm still going to wait until he is 3 to start potty training. This is only due to communication skills, like a lot of little boys he has a short attention span and is not very forward with his speech and often chooses not to understand me (so male! LOL!) My daughter was just over his age when she showed a desire to potty train, she loved watching the huggies dvd with "big children" using the potty (communication has never been an issue with her... chat chat chat...)
    Good luck with it!

  2. Thanks, my son was almost 3 but he was very stubborn so we waited till he was ready and he got it in a week, no problem. But this one is really a challenge. However, this morning when she woke up she said that she needed to potty, so progress!!



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