We can do no great things; only small things with great love. Mother Teresa Indian (Albanian-born) humanitarian & missionary (1910 - 1997)

This isn't just another mommy blog, it's my mommy blog. What I will write about will simply depend on my mood. Anything is possible. Along with being a mommy, I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Sometimes I will be serious and sometimes I will try to be funny, but its all in a days work. I love being a mom, its the best "job" one could ever have. Any questions or comments can be emailed to me at pmvincent00@yahoo.com . Thanks for reading!!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Where's the Tape??
I had to threaten my son the other day. It's not what you think. I told him that I was wrapping his Christmas presents last and if there wasn't any tape left then I was going to bring his gifts back to the store. I know it sounds harsh, but this child would use all the tape in the house if I left him alone. Leaving me at the last minute running out to the store to get a stupid roll of tape.
My son, the inventor. He is always coming up with something. I walked in his room the other day and the above picture is what I found. It is a boat, I guess a house boat or something of the sort. He is very creative. He used paper towels, newspaper, some other stuff and of course tape. My tape, the tape that I can never find or find an empty roll in the drawer where I keep it. He will usually say, "I didn't use a lot, come on Mom." Am I supposed to be sympathetic to this.
I usually buy him his own roll of tape but it isn't long before that is gone and he is back at mine. What am I going to do with this child?
I know I do need to encourage and support his antics, and I do, I just like to pick with him. One day he may invent something spectacular and make lots of money so I won't have to work anymore. That is the goal at least ;) So I guess I should stop giving him such a hard time about the tape.
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