We had another entertaining morning on the way to drop off my 7 year at school. We were reviewing things in the car, he had two test today, so I was making sure that he knew his stuff. Of course that in itself was like pulling teeth. He hates to study, it usually takes about 2-3 hours to do homework because he gives me so much trouble (he only has about 30 minutes of homework each evening). You get the picture, he is very dramatic.
In order to change the subject, and get the focus off of him and reviewing, he decided to tell me how ugly my big sunglasses were and that it looked like I was wearing them upside down. He then proceeded to ask me 21 questions on why I choose those particular sunglasses. For the record these are not my regular sunglasses. I bought them on a trip because I forgot the ones I usually wear. They are rather large and I use them when I have my PDT treatment because after I have to wrap myself up like a mummy so that the sun doesn't damage my skin for the following 48 hours.
I happen to like my sunglasses, I can see how he though they were upside down. I also think he was trying to be funny, and avoid the obvious. However, he did have us laughing.
My son is usually not that rude, only to me. I try to teach him not to say rude things to people. Of course the rules don't apply when its me. But he is still an awesome kid, oh and he made A's on both of his test, so he's smart too ;)
(In the picture I am wearing the sunglasses that became the subject of this mornings discussion. Yes, I know the little one outshines me, she always does ;)
We can do no great things; only small things with great love. Mother Teresa Indian (Albanian-born) humanitarian & missionary (1910 - 1997)

This isn't just another mommy blog, it's my mommy blog. What I will write about will simply depend on my mood. Anything is possible. Along with being a mommy, I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Sometimes I will be serious and sometimes I will try to be funny, but its all in a days work. I love being a mom, its the best "job" one could ever have. Any questions or comments can be emailed to me at pmvincent00@yahoo.com . Thanks for reading!!!
He is so much like my cousin Weijun, the one you can see him playing the badminton game and on his birthday celebration.. My cousin speaks the exact same way but just to those who are close and dear to him.. And yeah, there will be dramas whenever it is Homework time.. Hahahha..