Today when I got home, my house was a mess. As usual my maid refused to clean it. I really don't know what to do with her. She thinks that because she works, cooks, grocery shops, does the laundry, etc., that she doesn't have to clean the house. How lazy is that? She knows better than that.
She is always complaining about how tired she is, but she is always on the computer, blogging or something. Sometimes she stays up till after midnight on that stupid computer. No wonder why this house is such a mess. If she would spend that time cleaning instead of playing. What she needs to do is get off of the stupid computer and clean this house.
I mean sometimes she surprises me and will actually straighten up a little bit. She always cleans the kitchen after dinner. Plays with the kids a little, helps with homework. Then is back on the stupid computer posting on her silly blog.
I've just about had it. I'm firing my maid. You know what that's ok because I quit.
Whew!! Now I can finish my post without worrying about this messy house, its not my problem anymore. I wish ;)