This isn't just another mommy blog, it's my mommy blog. What I will write about will simply depend on my mood. Anything is possible. Along with being a mommy, I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Sometimes I will be serious and sometimes I will try to be funny, but its all in a days work. I love being a mom, its the best "job" one could ever have. Any questions or comments can be emailed to me at . Thanks for reading!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm Firing My Maid

Today when I got home, my house was a mess.  As usual my maid refused to clean it.  I really don't know what to do with her.  She thinks that because she works, cooks, grocery shops, does the laundry, etc., that she doesn't have to clean the house.  How lazy is that? She knows better than that.

She is always complaining about how tired she is, but she is always on the computer, blogging or something.  Sometimes she stays up till after midnight on that stupid computer.  No wonder why this house is such a mess.  If she would spend that time cleaning instead of playing.  What she needs to do is get off of the stupid computer and clean this house.

I mean sometimes she surprises me and will actually straighten up a little bit. She always cleans the kitchen after dinner.  Plays with the kids a little, helps with homework. Then is back on the stupid computer posting on her silly blog.

I've just about had it.  I'm firing my maid.  You know what that's ok because I quit.

Whew!! Now I can finish my post without worrying about this messy house, its not my problem anymore.  I wish ;)
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Monday, September 27, 2010

I Got Served

I took my usual power walk this evening.  It is the one thing that I have managed to keep up with among other things.  Faithfully 5-7 times a week I walk about 2-3 miles.  Sometimes I even run a little, I can probably only run about 1/8 to 1/4 of a mile at a time, stopping a little to catch my breath.  Any more than that and I may just pass out.

I live on a dead end road and its about a half a mile long so, I walk back and forth till I have made my 2-3 miles. You get the picture.

Usually I am the only one walking, sometimes my neighbor will come with me.  Other then her, there really isn't anybody else. Well, this evening while I am feeling good keeping my stride, along comes this 13 year old.  I am assuming that she was about 13 (she could have been younger).  Anyway she is running, she passes me and runs the whole way, the whole 1/2 a mile.  Not only that, she is wearing a knee brace.  So now I'm walking with my head held low because I just got served by a 13 year old.  What a difference 20 years can make.

If I were to run 1/2 a mile, I probably would have dropped to the ground halfway there.  My body would have given out on me, besides me not being able to breathe.  The best part, upon returning back she walked about 1/8 of a mile to catch her breath and started running again.  I couldn't bear to look, I was so ashamed ;)

Getting old stinks.  Your body refuses to cooperate, fat just attaches itself to random parts of your body and just refuses to leave.  You run out of breath just thinking about exercising.  I am out of breath after changing my 2 year old's diaper. Go me!!

Yeah!! I got served!!
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm Running Away

My mom used to say that to us all of the time.  I never really got it, until now.  I guess she would get so frustrated she just needed to escape. She never really would say it seriously, just jokingly. She would always laugh when she said it.  Maybe if she could have, she would have. Still, it always made me wonder why she said it at all.

It's funny because I hear myself saying it more and more. Not like I would every do it, I think about it, but nah that would never happen. I get frustrated, I get overwhelmed, but run away from those big eyes and beautiful faces, never!!

Motherhood is hard and sometimes you do dream of running away.  When the kids are fighting and screaming, when everybody is looking at you.  What is for dinner?  What about this?  What about that? Are you trying to drive me nuts. Enough already.

That's it, I've had it, I'm running away!!!  ;)  ;)
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not Even Close

I've said it before, I'll say it again, I am not dainty.  Not even close.   I thought this week I would "try" to be more girly.  I dressed up a little more for work, picked out some of my cutest outfits, put on my makeup and wore my new 3" wedge shoes (I can't wear regular heels, I will hurt myself). 

Well yesterday goes like this.  I woke up late, my hair looked like I put my finger in a light socket.  I didn't have time to straighten it, so it went into a sloppy ponytail the best I could.  It looked ok but not like one of those girls whose hair looks awesome without even trying. I put on my brand new long dress (I love this dress, one of those mustard color flowing dresses, really cute).  Anyway, my new shoes and was rushing to get out of the door. 

So already, I am running late.  My seven year old is upset because he won't be early for school.  Get him off to school. Get to work.  I almost twisted my ankle trying to walk in my new shoes.  The best part, my new shoes catches the hem in my new dress and rips it out, so half of my dress is longer then the other half.  Go me!!  I couldn't change fast enough when I got home.  Today wasn't much better. I almost tripped and fell half a dozen times. I just can't win.  Not even close!!!
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Monday, September 20, 2010

Oh No, I Sound Like My ....

I hate those moments when I say something and then realize that I sound just like my mother.  It seems to happen a lot more since I had kids, well actually since I became an adult.

Its funny when you are a kid and you think you know everything and you parents tell you, one day you will understand.  My parents always liked to say one day when you have kids.  Of course being the know it all that I was when I was a teenager, I figured that they just didn't know what they were talking about.

The other day when I was talking to my seven year old I had to look around because I could have swore that my mom said something, but my mom wasn't there.  It was me.  I hate when that happens.  I stop in mid-sentence realizing what I am about to say and I just laugh.  When  I am hard on my son about his grades in school or fussing at the baby for who knows what.  I sound just like my parents.

The most embarrassing part is admitting it to my parents.  Its really bad when it happens in front of my parents.  My dad thinks it is the funniest thing in the world.  He even does a little silly dance, the I told you so  dance.  Like he couldn't wait till the day that I realized he was right.  He waited 30 years to do this dance and he got the last laugh.

Well one thing is for certain.  One day I will get to do the silly I told you so dance.  One day I will be right too. 
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Friday, September 17, 2010

Outsmarted Again!!

Just another disclaimer in case the following information may be TMI for some readers ;)

This morning I was awakened to the tune of "Mommy, I need to potty!"  I was so excited that I rushed out of bed brought the baby to the potty and Yep!! she did it.  So we did our little song and dance.  She was rewarded with her M&M's (yes, it was early but I am trying to be consistent, plus she only gets like 4 anyway).  Thinking the day was getting off to a good start, with her especially.  Then about an hour later she used the potty in her pull up.  So now I am little confused.

It was later determined that she probably wanted M&M's for breakfast.  She woke up and thought M&M's, I got to use the potty. So, she had her fix and was no longer interested in the potty because she didn't need anymore M&M's. She is too smart.  I know M&M's are not the best choice,   but its her currency.  Stickers, she is not too big on, but candy, which she doesn't get often, now you are speaking her language.  Maybe I need to change the currency, I don't know, but I won't give up.

(Oh and for the record she did actually have a real breakfast, M&M's were not the only thing she ate this morning, I'm not that bad.)

She did do ok so far today.  I just have to figure out a way to outsmart the chick.  Strategy here.  I never thought that I would have to outsmart a 2 year old.  She is willing to use the potty, just on her terms.

I guess I will have to outwit, outplay, outlast.  It is too late to turn back now!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Let the Games Begin!!

Disclaimer: Subject content of the following blog post may be TMI (too much information) for some readers, proceed with caution.

Yes, it has been a few months since I first spoke about potty training my baby.  I finally did it, I finally broke down and bought some pull ups and some M&M's.  (The pull ups for the baby and the M&M's for me, because I will need a chocolate fix after dealing with her ;) No, the M&M's are for her, I have to have some kind of currency to get her motivated.  I've had the potty for over a year (hey, it was on sale for like 10 bucks).  So for the past two weeks I have been determined to get this chick out of diapers and into some big girl panties.

I'm proud of myself, I am finally ready, I want her to stay a baby but I am really tired of changing dirty, stinky diapers. Of course, she is now 2 1/2 so its time. She will just be my baby who uses the potty. Its a win, win situation. Besides the fact that I have to chase her around the house and catch her to change her diapers because she thinks it a game. So I am out of breath and she is giggling.

We almost got no.1 down, but if you don't ask her, she it not telling. And well no.2, she much rather hide in her closet, behind the door or under the table. Actually the other day she hid behind the door in the bathroom, so at least she is getting close.

Well today, she stayed at her Grammy's and must have thought that she was on vacation from her nap and the potty, every time my mom asked her, she would say "Abby don't need to potty."  Yes, she talks in the third person, but that is another post all by itself.  So tomorrow is another day. 

Let the games begin!!! Bring it on baby, because this is going to happen!!!

Lodi dodi we likes to potty ;)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Running with Scissors

This afternoon, my seven year old zooms out of his room excited carrying a pair of his scissors.  Now this child can only come up with stuff, so I could only imagine what was about to come out of his mouth.  "Mom, can I go outside to cut the grass around the swing set,  with my scissors," that is what he said to me. 

Trying not to laugh I told him that it was not a good idea.  I didn't want him to cut his hand or hurt himself trying to cut the grass with his scissors.  Well apparently, now I am a mean mom because he has a very dramatic exit to the tune of "you never let me do anything, I'm bored."  He is in tears and his face is red, I guess I smashed his dreams.

Trying to explain to him my decision was not taken very well.  He thinks that he is supposed to be able to do whatever his little heart desires. I am just holding him back. 

Now, I am trying to get inside his little head.  Was he really that bored as to pick up a pair of scissors and say I think I will cut the grass?  Now these are kids scissors, with rounded tips, so I don't even know if they would even cut the grass if he tried.  Apparently he was determined to find out.

So I guess I am the meanest mom in the world for not letting my 7 year old cut the grass with scissors.  I am not allowing him to express himself and explore his surroundings.  Go me!!

Oh, 10 minutes later he was fine and forgot about the whole thing. So I guess I didn't traumatize him too much ;) You gotta love these kids!!

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Some Big Sunglasses

We had another entertaining morning on the way to drop off my 7 year at school.  We were reviewing things in the car, he had two test today, so I was making sure that he knew his stuff. Of course that in itself was like pulling teeth. He hates to study, it usually takes about 2-3 hours to do homework because he gives me so much trouble (he only has about 30 minutes of homework each evening). You get the picture, he is very dramatic.

In order to change the subject, and get the focus off of him and reviewing, he decided to tell me how ugly my big sunglasses were and that it looked like I was wearing them upside down. He then proceeded to ask me 21 questions on why I choose those particular sunglasses.  For the record these are not my regular sunglasses.  I bought them on a trip because I forgot the ones I usually wear.  They are rather large and I use them when I have my PDT treatment because after I have to wrap myself up like a mummy so that the sun doesn't damage my skin for the following 48 hours.

I happen to like my sunglasses, I can see how he though they were upside down.  I also think he was trying to be funny,  and avoid the obvious.  However, he did have us laughing.

My son is usually not that rude, only to me.  I try to teach him not to say rude things to people.  Of course the rules don't apply when its me. But he is still an awesome kid, oh and he made A's on both of his test, so he's smart too ;)

(In the picture I am wearing the sunglasses that became the subject of this mornings discussion. Yes, I know the little one outshines me, she always does ;)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

No Pain, No Gain

Tomorrow I get my second PDT (photo dynamic therapy) treatment for my acne.  I am not looking forward to the next few days. It's exhausting, uncomfortable and well I look, for lack of a better word, gross for a couple of days.  But is like the saying "No Pain, No Gain."  It seems like I have to tell myself that for everything. It stinks,  why can't we all be born perfect?

Sometimes I wonder why I do this to myself.  I guess it is worth it, I can already see improvement in my skin after one treatment.  It doesn't make me look forward to the procedure any more.  But it has to be done.  I have to put my face in the light (literally), and get burned.

The funny part is my son is absolutely bewildered by the idea of why I am doing this.  He cannot understand why I would do this to myself.  He makes a face and says "Why?"  I'm actually glad that he doesn't understand it.  It keeps him innocent and untouched by the stigma of beauty.  To see things through the eyes of a child, I wish.  They see true beauty, inside as well as out. Not me though, no I have been tainted, I've bought into it, I drank the kool-aid.  I just have to make sure that they don't become like me.

Oh, tomorrow.  NO PAIN, NO GAIN!!! (I have to keep saying it ;)
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Monday, September 6, 2010

Featured Future Writer (My 7 Year Old)

The other evening I showed my seven year old my blogs.  I showed him the pictures of him and his sister and told him about what I had been writing about.  He was so excited, he asked it he could start a blog of his own.  I told him in time he could, but would have to learn how to do a few things first.I thought maybe it was a pretty good idea.  I like to encourage his aspirations. 

He ran to his room and started writing ideas for his blog or website as he called it.  Above is a picture of what he wrote.  You got to love this child.

It you cannot understand what he wrote it should read " Once there was a dog who lived in a cave, who ate fish, who always wanted to go on an adventure.  But one day the dog fell in a hole and he went out of the hole and then he went on an adventure." 

He is very proud of what he wrote, he was very excited when I told him that I would be featuring this on my blog.  I hope he never loses that fire to pursue his dreams, he has so many, I hope he reaches them all!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Mind of Her Own

Yesterday evening we stopped at my parents house for all of 10 minutes at most.  My husband had to drop something off so we all went to pay a little visit.  My mom usually watches my 2 year old twice a week while I'm at work,  but with my dad's recent health problems, she hadn't seen her all week. 

So we were talking about different things and my husband went to help my dad with something when I noticed my two year old sitting at the kitchen table.

It was around dinner time so I was assuming that she might have been hungry.  Well, she may have been hungry but that is not why she was at the kitchen table.  In all of two minutes she managed to go to the refrigerator take out a can of whip cream put it on the table and then sat herself down to enjoy some.  My child loves whip cream, I usually make it for her with heavy whipping cream (not out of the can).  I didn't even know she knew what it was (in the can).  Then, my mom told me that sometimes she will put it on her strawberries.  But she didn't have any strawberries, she just had the can.  What was she going to do with it?  Thanks Mom! 

I put the whip cream up and told her that she needed to eat dinner first.  That didn't go so well. So we were ready to leave and had to literally carry my screaming two year old out of the house and bribe her to get her to stop crying.  She didn't get her whip cream and wasn't going down without a fight.

The problem is she knows to much.  My biggest problem is, she is just like me!! I think I have finally met my match.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I May Not Be a Lady

But I'm all woman.  Who sang that song?? Oh yeah, Lisa Stansfield.  That song gets stuck in my head often.  Especially when I see all of  these dainty women walking by in their nice clothes and nice shoes. I am not lady like to say the least, but I guess you can tell from some of my posts. 

I am all women. I can multitask. I'm a juggler. I can clean the house, cook dinner and play with the kids all at the same time, and without breaking a sweat. I work all day then come home and work all night.  I don't get a day off and I can't call in sick. I'm a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, and a friend.  "I work my fingers to the bone."  I may not be a lady, but I am all woman.  My hair is rarely fixed and my shoes never match my purse.  But that's ok because I got two of the greatest fans and they don't really care what I look like.

I love my kids, I love my family and would do anything for them.

There is a reason why God gave women these abilities.  Men couldn't handle them and wouldn't know what to do with them. (just kidding guys)
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