Today I went to what was the bestest baby shower ever. It had what just about every other baby shower has, gifts, food, games. But what made this shower so special??? It was at the best donut shop in town. Yes, you heard me a donut shop. I felt like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory, singing little songs to myself as I smelled the aroma of the donuts. (I am singing as I write this post) I think I gained about 10 pounds walking into the place.
Yes, I am a health nut junkie, but I do believe that sometimes you can indulge in things not so good for you, in moderation. Yes I like to eat,but I don't want anyone thinking that I am food junkie. I limit myself. I try to balance, like sometimes I have a salad and onion rings for lunch ;)
Back to point, donuts, yes donuts. It was awesome. A tiny tear fell from my eye as I was asked what kind of donut I would like and how many ;) I only had one and a half there (then I ate some more when I got home, I drank like a gallon of water to wash it down, so I'm good). I just won't eat anything tomorrow and I will probably run a few miles.
Anyway, I had a wonderful time, not just because of the donuts (that was just a plus). I got to spend some time with some wonderful friends. Great conversation with great friends and good donuts, what more could a girl ask for? Thank you Meche's Donut King, you made all of my dreams come true!!!
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