I have the utmost respect for stay at home moms, in fact I used to be one. Fortunately I was able to stay at home with my son until he two years old. But, my husband was looking into opening his own cabinet shop and knowing that it would be really difficult financially I decided to go back to work. It was harder on me than my two year old. I made the sacrifice so that my husband could fulfill his dream of owning his own business and not working himself to death in the process.
This is what gets me, when some moms who stay at home call themselves a "full-time mom". Ok, what does that make me a "part-time mom" ? Just a question. I still have to wash the clothes, clean the house, make dinner, play with the kids and on top of that go to a job that I hate (well, dislike a lot). I envy those women that can have a thriving career and still run a household, I also envy those women that are fortunate enough to be able to stay home with their kids and not miss a moment. I didn't have the same opportunity with my daughter, I have been working part-time since she was two months. So does that make me any less of a mom?? I don't think it does. Any mom is a full-time mom. I don't stop being a mom when I go to work. I am not trying to be politically correct, its just that sometimes words like that hurt.
We can do no great things; only small things with great love. Mother Teresa Indian (Albanian-born) humanitarian & missionary (1910 - 1997)

This isn't just another mommy blog, it's my mommy blog. What I will write about will simply depend on my mood. Anything is possible. Along with being a mommy, I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Sometimes I will be serious and sometimes I will try to be funny, but its all in a days work. I love being a mom, its the best "job" one could ever have. Any questions or comments can be emailed to me at pmvincent00@yahoo.com . Thanks for reading!!!
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