When I got home from work I was so excited to see my baby girl and congratulate her again on her big milestone. When she walked through the door however, she was very quiet. She came up to me and asked me not to tell anyone about her lost tooth. I told her that I had already told her Grammy and Papa and her aunts and uncles. She just sighed, she said that she just didn't want to talk about it.
Apparently it really weirded her out, which is so unlike her. I guess she just didn't want to acknowledge it. I thought I had well prepared her for this and her brother definitely told her about the benefits of losing your teeth. But I guess maybe it actually happening scared her a little.
She seemed better about it today, asking me questions and looking at the space in the mirror. She asked if her next teeth will fall out too. I explained as much as I could to her and that all kids lose their baby teeth to make room for the big teeth and that everything she saw was completely normal. I asked her if she had any other questions and she seemed satisfied with my answers. So hopefully when it happens again she won't be so traumatized.
I just never now what to expect with this one.