Once again the little one never ceases to amaze me. She really keeps me on my toes. If only I could video her 24/7 I would be rich. It is like watching a diva on the rise.
A few weeks ago we were at my parents house. We usually visit on the weekends. Well, we were leaving so I told the little one to make her rounds of hugs and kisses and make sure she told everyone bye. She looked at everyone in the room and said "bye, bye, bye, bye, bye" enough byes to cover everyone in the room along with her wave specifically to each person. It was too funny. She eventually gave her hugs and kisses but it was a lazy way of saying bye.
Well this past weekend we were at my parents again and it was just my mom and dad home. We were leaving and I told her to give her grammy and papa hugs and kisses before we left. This time she goes to the door turns to them and says "hug, hug" while making the hug motion in the air and then proceeded to tell them bye as she was walking out the door. It was her diva I am going to give you air hugs because I don't feel like walking over to give you real hugs.
We were all laughing, what are you supposed to do with that. It was so funny. What will she do next? Who knows on this diva journey. I just know that I have got my hands full. She did give them real hugs and kisses before she left, but her attempt was really funny.
We can do no great things; only small things with great love. Mother Teresa Indian (Albanian-born) humanitarian & missionary (1910 - 1997)

This isn't just another mommy blog, it's my mommy blog. What I will write about will simply depend on my mood. Anything is possible. Along with being a mommy, I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Sometimes I will be serious and sometimes I will try to be funny, but its all in a days work. I love being a mom, its the best "job" one could ever have. Any questions or comments can be emailed to me at pmvincent00@yahoo.com . Thanks for reading!!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Do I Have To Go To School?
Last night my eight year was sick. Well lets say four o'clock this morning I hear my husband yelling for me from the other room. As I flew out of bed thinking that I was dreaming it became clear that I wasn't. I stumbled through the house to my son's room to find my son you know, upchucking. (I'm sorry upchucking is just a little easier word for me, it makes it sound just a little less gross, just a little;))
This continued for awhile. I am assuming that I was awakened to clean up the mess, you know change the sheets and clean the bed. That's what moms are for. So we finally make the transition for my son from his bed room to the bathroom, where I wish he would have made it to in the first place (I will spare you the details).
So it is after four in the morning he has been at it for awhile now, in the mist of the, well for lack of a better word, grossness, he asks "do I have to go to school ?" I told him yes of course, just kidding. I am sure that I am really that bad of a mom to make my sick child go to school in that condition. It was just so funny that of all things he could have been worried about, that is what he was thinking of.
Did he really think that going to school after all of that was even an option? He was tired and sick, am I really that much of a tyrant? I hope not.
Well he is doing much better today so there will be school tomorrow ;)
This continued for awhile. I am assuming that I was awakened to clean up the mess, you know change the sheets and clean the bed. That's what moms are for. So we finally make the transition for my son from his bed room to the bathroom, where I wish he would have made it to in the first place (I will spare you the details).
So it is after four in the morning he has been at it for awhile now, in the mist of the, well for lack of a better word, grossness, he asks "do I have to go to school ?" I told him yes of course, just kidding. I am sure that I am really that bad of a mom to make my sick child go to school in that condition. It was just so funny that of all things he could have been worried about, that is what he was thinking of.
Did he really think that going to school after all of that was even an option? He was tired and sick, am I really that much of a tyrant? I hope not.
Well he is doing much better today so there will be school tomorrow ;)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Girls Are Supposed to Be Easier
Yeah right!! I haven't posted about potty training with the little one because there is simply nothing to post about. My two almost three year old outright refuses to use the potty. I have tried a million ways, rewards, bribery, but absolutely nothing works. She will outright tell me that she does not want to use the potty. I don't know what I am going to do with her.
I was always told that girls are easier to potty train but apparently they were not talking about my little one. She is extremely strong willed. You would think as independent as she is, she would want to be potty trained, but no. I guess maybe it is a little inconvenient for her. I mean having to stop what she is doing and take time out of her busy schedule.
It took a week to get my son potty trained, he wasn't quite three yet. After one week he had it down and we never had any problems. So in my book, boys are easier.
For now I will wait until she is ready which hopefully will be soon. I really don't want a preschooler that is not potty trained.
I was always told that girls are easier to potty train but apparently they were not talking about my little one. She is extremely strong willed. You would think as independent as she is, she would want to be potty trained, but no. I guess maybe it is a little inconvenient for her. I mean having to stop what she is doing and take time out of her busy schedule.
It took a week to get my son potty trained, he wasn't quite three yet. After one week he had it down and we never had any problems. So in my book, boys are easier.
For now I will wait until she is ready which hopefully will be soon. I really don't want a preschooler that is not potty trained.
Friday, February 11, 2011
The Captain's Chair
You are not my friend. You may look easy and seem appealing but you are not. I don't understand why it is only you that help me with my rectus abdominus (aka pot belly aka post baby belly). Most days I try to avoid you completely, but I know that there is no other option in order for me to accomplish my goal.
So what if you are voted second for the best ab exercises. It doesn't make me feel any better. And it doesn't make it any easier. I mean why couldn't you come with a seat so I don't look so stupid sliding down as I am trying to pick my legs up. Using every bit of my upper body strength in order to get one rep done. As is one rep will help with anything.
I hate you, I despise you, but yet I keep coming back for more. I come back for more in hopes that one day you will pay off.
Could you just take it a little easier on me, so that I don't try to avoid you most days. I really need us to have a better relationship in order to reach my goal. Because at this rate it ain't ever going to happen.
Thank you and I will see you Monday, maybe ;)
Monday, February 7, 2011
I have literally been melting semisweet chocolate chips just to get my fix. I know it is disgusting, but I can't help myself. You don't want to be around me when I feel a craving coming on. I want my chocolate and I don't care how I get it, and nobody can take it away from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Probably the reason why I haven't lost any weight. Will I give it up??? Probably not. Well, guess it could be worse ;) I guess I could try to cut back, we will see.
Friday, February 4, 2011
It's Just A Game
Anyway, I myself haven't been playing the game too much, do really have the time. But my husband and my son have been playing it a lot lately. I about to throw the stupid game away. For hours while they play they are yelling at each other for stupid stuff. IT IS JUST A STUPID GAME!!!!!! Geez, it is driving me crazy.
I will admit that I really don't like playing the game with my son either. He jumps on you, causes you to lose a life, gets in the way and steals your stuff. He rushes through the game and it is very aggravating. But me, I either don't play or bite my tongue when playing with him (or try to anyway, I do fuss at him a little, not like my husband though). But them two will yell at each other. I had to threaten to punish both of them from the game today. They were driving me nuts. Seriously dudes, it is just a game, WHO CARES???????????????????????? And they still want to play and fight, go figure.
I bought the game cause I thought it would be fun, I am rethinking my decision now ;)
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