This isn't just another mommy blog, it's my mommy blog. What I will write about will simply depend on my mood. Anything is possible. Along with being a mommy, I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Sometimes I will be serious and sometimes I will try to be funny, but its all in a days work. I love being a mom, its the best "job" one could ever have. Any questions or comments can be emailed to me at . Thanks for reading!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I learned to enjoy my salads without croutons these days.  Its not that they don't come with any, they actually come with plenty.  What happens is this little hand on the side of me reaching over and taking all of them out of my salad.  I could be stingy and selfish, but being a mom, I push to them side for her to get.

Last night we went out to dinner, my eight year old wanted to stay at his Grammy's so it was just me, my husband and the little one.  There was bread on the table that she was eating, that is until my salad came and she threw the bread down as if the salad was for her.  Then she started taking out the croutons, one by one till they all were gone.  I just laughed  and pushed the ones to the side that I found hiding.  Since apparently the lettuce is for me and the croutons are for her.

The little things.  Being a parent you give up so much, but it is so worth it.  Whether is it that last piece of cake, or not getting something you really wanted just so you can  get them that video game that they have been wanting.  You would starve just to make sure that they have enough.  You go without to make sure they don't. Their wants become so much more important then your needs. 

What I wouldn't do for them, even if it means eating my salad without croutons ;)
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Simple Giggle Saves The Day

I have been having a blah week.  Not just one thing, but just a whole bunch of little things all at once.  The weather doesn't help, rainy and overcast.  Give me a break here.  So as I am moping around feeling blah, it just seems like things aren't going to get any better.  Then out of the blah, a simple giggle saves the day.

I love to hear my kids laugh.  It instantly brightens my day.  Their little innocent giggles over the craziest thing and I forget about the blahs.  They remind me about what is right with the world.  The little one especially is the giggle queen.  She will start and can't stop, that is my favorite part.  The best part of my day is picking up my little boy from school and seeing his silly grin when I say something funny and he doesn't want to smile but can't help it.  I forget about the crappy day before.  Yes, they still drive me nuts, but those smiles and those giggles are priceless.

Sitting here trying to think about what I could possibly write about, I remembered the silly giggle over a silly word that made my day ;) And made me forget about the blah ;)  What would I do without these two?

Friday, January 21, 2011

It's Not Just Me

I went to they gym this morning (yes, so far, so good).  Now when I dress for the gym I usually wear my yoga pants or gym pants (whatever you call them), and a big long t-shirt.  I wear the t-shirt to cover my not so appealing assets ;)  I try to be courteous to others ;) I will admit it I am a little self-conscious, which is why I started going to the gym.  I am trying to get back to my pre-baby weight (my bay is almost 3).

Although there are some not so in shape people at the gym (like me) there are also some really in shape people there.  It used to be really intimating, until today.  At I was walking around switching equipment I noticed other women, which to me there was nothing wrong with them, adjusting their outfits like me.  Making sure to cover what they thought we not so appealing assets.

So, it's not just me.  It seems that all women see things in themselves that nobody notices.   We are all a little self conscious of things that we shouldn't be.  I guess we all are little insecure to some point.  It doesn't make me feel better to know that other women are insecure, it makes me fell better that it's not just me.

So next time you are feeling a little insecure.  Remember, that perfect lady that you see with no flaws, she is just as insecure as you ;)  And always remember that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011


(Disclaimer- some readers may find the following post TMI or just plain gross, proceed with extreme caution ;)

Needless to say I am not the most motherly mother.  I mean I try to be.  I try to be nurturing and comforting.  I worry about what they eat, make sure they take their vitamins.  I hold them when they are running a fever constantly checking them, making sure they are comfortable.  But when it comes to upchucking, that is where I draw the line.

This evening the little one had a tummy ache.  I should have known that it was coming but was caught off guard.  My husband wasn't home, so I am there by myself attempting to clean up the mess that was everywhere including myself and her.  I was holding her when it occurred. It was gross, but I warned you.  So if you are reading this it is your own fault. I was literally running with her to the tub.  Luckily my husband got home soon after.

He is better at cleaning that type of mess, he has that motherly instinct that I lack, allowing him to clean that stuff up without upchucking himself.  I on the hand will spend the whole time gagging and running.  It takes me twice as long to clean up.  I wish I could say that I was one of those moms that can clean it up without batting any eye but I'm not.  I can handle just about anything else, though.

So it was gross, but it is all cleaned up now.  The joys of motherhood. Lets just hope it done for now. Sorry if I got your stomachs turning ;)  She is sleeping now, hope she feels better soon.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Natural White Highlights

The first time I saw them I had to gasp for air.  The shock of seeing them in the mirror threw me back.  I am not old enough to have these.  What is this?  What is going on?  But there they were staring back at me, strand by strand, these natural white highlights were getting more and more abundant.

If you know me, or if you have been reading this blog,  then you know that I am not a girlie girl.  I am not one of those that spends hours primping to go out.  On occasion I can take an hour and a half to get ready.  Usually not that long, unless I get side tracked.  So, I guess you can guess that I am not one to spend much time on my hair either.  I have colored (dyed) my hair only a handful of times.  Unless you count high school where it was either black or purple (I went through a faze). 

So when I first discovered these intruders I panicked a little.  I even found one in my eyebrow, that one had to go. I started cutting them short.  Yeah, it looks real cute when they start to grow out.   Now there are too many to cut short and with my hair not as thick as it used to be, I need all the help I can get, no matter what color they are. 

My old hairdresser used to try to talk me  into coloring my hair, but I just didn't want to start doing that knowing that I wouldn't be able to keep up with it.  So, here lately they don't seem to be too bad or maybe I'm just really getting used to them.

Unless I turn completely salt and pepper, I won't be coloring them anytime soon.  My natural white highlights, they give me character ;)
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Big 8

Wednesday was my baby's eighth birthday (tear), today was his party.  The words just don't want to come out. He is getting so big.  I want him to stay small just a while longer.  It is really hard to accept the fact that my baby is growing up.  Well this whole weekend was just for him.

Friday he wanted a friend from school to come over.  Ok, that's fine, they played all day and his friend spent the night.  Saturday, he wanted two friend to spend the night.  When did he make the rules anyway, what did he think it was his birthday?  Ok, he had two friends over.  Both nights he went to bed late and got up early.  So today at his party he was very quite and very reserved.   He was very tired.   His party was at the skating rink, and it was crowded and hectic.  He didn't eat anything but cake.  After a few hours was ready to go after a little cry when someone ran into him and hurt his leg.  He was done.  His party was at 1 o'clock but we didn't leave till after 4 o'clock. 

We decided to have an early dinner at a restaurant in town, after he ate a little bit of bread and some salad, before his entree comes out, he tells me,  "Mom, I feel a lot better." Well I guess, he was probably starving, he is really shy and I am assuming that he may have been a little overwhelmed at his party besides the fact that he couldn't wait to skate.  After his dinner he was a lot better.  He actually went home, did his homework, took a bath and went to bed without a fuss or fight.  I guess he learned that mommy does know best.  Maybe next time he will take it easy. But like most kids, they always have to find out the hard way.


Oh, and yes that is a picture of his birthday cake and it did taste as good as it looks thanks to my wonderful  and talented sister-in-law!!
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Monday, January 10, 2011

I Actually Joined A Gym!!!

Save your applause. I didn't want to mention anything sooner until I made it a routine.  I am the type that says something and then stops and never does it again.  Well this time it is different.  I was walking a few miles a day but with this rainy and cold weather it was getting hard.  So I joined a fairly inexpensive gym in town which I go to before work.

Yes,  I actually get up early to go.  I will admit most mornings it takes all I have to get my rear out of bed, but so far so good.  Yes, I still hit snooze for about half an hour before I get up looking at my bed and then talking myself into getting ready.  It becomes a daily ritual, especially when it is really cold outside.  But so far I have only missed a few days because I wasn't feeling well.

It isn't my New Year resolution, it is more like I am sick of not fitting into my clothes so I need to do something about it because the walking isn't working fast enough resolution.  I still need to working on my eating habits, but one obstacle at a time.  I haven't really seen any results yet but I keep telling myself to keep going.

The best part is how good I feel when I get to work and all day long.  I have more energy, I am more alert, it is awesome.  That is really my only motivation right now, knowing how good I am going to feel when I am done.

Lets just hope this one sticks,  I have a closet full of clothes that I am waiting to wear ;)
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Friday, January 7, 2011

So I Thought

The week got off to a hectic start.  Playing catch up from last week when I was on vacation.  Was really upset that the time went by so fast.  But here I am back to reality.

Well, yesterday was my husbands birthday and my nephew's birthday party.  In my family there are a lot of birthdays in January. We only thought we were broke after Christmas.

It was ok because I was getting off at 2:30 pm so I had everything planned out.  The party was at 6:30 pm.  So I had time to pick my son up from school, wrap the present, give my husband his present, give the 2 year old a bath and get her dressed, eat dinner, you get the picture. 

Things are running smoothly, or so I thought.  As I am almost home, making good time mind you, my phone rings.  It is my husband, he locked his keys in his truck, across town.  My dilemma, should I just tell him to break a window?  I didn't, between Christmas and birthdays we are too poor to be doing silly things like that.

So I did what any good wife would do.  After relaxing for a good 5 seconds, I loaded the kids back in the car, made sure I had his spare set of keys (yes I have forgotten things like that before) and made my trip across town.  It took a good hour round trip. 

On the way home my 2 year falls asleep and didn't want to wake up.  It took over an hour to get her up. I was rushing that last hour and a half before the party, but what else is new.  Needless to say we made it on time and the kids had a blast,  and I have yet another silly story to share with you.

The best part,  the week is finally over !!!!!
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Thursday, January 6, 2011


I know its a bit late, but my stupid computer has been acting up so I haven't been able to post the past few days.  So here goes.

Its the new year and what is the New Year good for??  Resolutions.  You know the things we say that we are going to do but most of us never do.  Well at least me anyway.  I have never really been one to make New Years resolutions.  I make resolutions all year long some stick and some don't.

But in the spirit of  the New Year, I am going to make a few resolutions:
1.    Get in shape, for real
2.    Spend more time with the kids and less time playing on the computer (this does not include blogging ;)
3.    Worry less about work
4.     Stop worrying about stupid stuff
5.     put more time and effort into my writing
6.     FINISH MY BOOK (seriously)

Ok that is probably it,  it is pointless for me to put anything else down,  I will be lucky if I keep the ones I listed.

Happy New Year everyone!!!! Hope its a good one!!
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