Right now my 8 year old is walking around the house whining and crying even sitting on the floor to show how upset he is. Why do you ask, is my child so miserable? Well he was using a hole puncher to punch a hole in a calendar that he wanted to hang on his wall. Instead of asking one of us to help him, he did it by himself, put the hole in the wrong place and now is upset because he doesn't know if he can get another one.
It is times like these that I understand why some parents lose their minds. All I can do is laugh, as if this dramatic display is going to somehow help him. Oh, he is go to bed very soon, 8:30 pm on a Friday night. I think so. And yes,10 minutes later same song different verse, definitely bed time. Now let me get this child to bed before I hurt him ;) How can I tell when my child is tired and needs to go to bed? They are miserable, completely miserable.
I am getting the feeling that this may not be an easy task. Good night!!
We can do no great things; only small things with great love. Mother Teresa Indian (Albanian-born) humanitarian & missionary (1910 - 1997)

This isn't just another mommy blog, it's my mommy blog. What I will write about will simply depend on my mood. Anything is possible. Along with being a mommy, I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Sometimes I will be serious and sometimes I will try to be funny, but its all in a days work. I love being a mom, its the best "job" one could ever have. Any questions or comments can be emailed to me at pmvincent00@yahoo.com . Thanks for reading!!!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
My Third Actual Blogger Award
I am so bad at this. Acceptance speeches and finding the time to write these days. But about two weeks ago I got my third Blogger Award. Yes, third, my second I got so side tracked that I completely forgot to thank Ting for my award (you are the best girl, and I didn't forget about you).
So I received my third blogger award from a new blogger friend and follower Biertjuh (Jan) from the Netherlands (that is what makes these awards so awesome, getting them from someone a world away). So I will do my best to follow the rules and pass this award along.
1. I love to write (that was an easy one)
2. I have actually started working on my first screenplay (it will probably take 10 years to finish;)
3. I am not good about making a list about myself ;)
4. It is taking me about 20 minutes to come up with this list and it is only 7 things
5. When I am feeling bad, I think of something silly that my kids did and it brings an instant smile to my face (people just think I am crazy, smiling for no reason)
6. I am the oldest of three kids, and have all the responsibilities of being the oldest, used to think it was a curse, but know not so much7. Last but not least, I am crazy, no really I am ;)
oh yeah, I am a real procrastinator (but don't tell anybody, it's not like it is obvious or something;)
so I am supposed to pass this on to newly discovered blogs but the problem is I have been out of the loop for a few months. Due to a lot of personal issues I have been occupied (I am sure you can tell from the fact that I haven't posted in awhile) I just may have to update and amend this post to include my successors, I told you I suck at this. There are just so many amazing blogs and bloggers out there that I want to list them properly.
Thanks again Jan!! This means more to me than you know !!!
Thanks again Jan!! This means more to me than you know !!!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Parenthood- List Part 1
Things that I have realized from being a parent. (please keep this list away from all children, otherwise they will know all of my secrets ;)
1. Most of the time, I have no idea what I am doing
2. Sometimes you have to choose your battles
3. Structure and Rules without Love is worthless
4. I'm not lazy, I am just exhausted
5. Whats the point if you can't spoil them at a least a little??
6. Bribery is almost always necessary ;)
7. I rocked both of my kids to sleep, it didn't spoil them (maybe temporarily), but once they are big, you can't do it anymore
8. They are only little once (so hold them, rock them, kiss them, love them as much as possible before they are too big, because by then you are lucky is they acknowledge you)
9. You can't get back missed moments (so always cherish them)
10. Every child is different, what works with one doesn't always work with the other
11. Learn their currency, it always helps
12. Sometimes it takes all I have to keep a straight face when disciplining my kids
13. Apologize for your mistakes, it shows imperfectness and humility
14. I am your parent, not your friend, I will be your friend when you are older
15. I don't think any parent has it all together, its impossible, some are just better at making it look like they do, so don't feel inferior as a parent if you don't, believe me you are not alone
16. Sometimes I want them to stay little, other times I wish they would hurry up and grow up
17. Don't always focus on the negative, if they feel like they can never do anything right, then they will never try to
18. Always acknowledge their accomplishments no matter how small, it builds their self esteem and shows that you are paying attention
19. No one told me that I would love them so much
God must really love me because He gave two amazing kids that I know I don't deserve.
(I made this a part 1 of a list because I am sure that as I learn my list will get longer and longer)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
I Didn't Even Get to Say Goodbye
My oldest cleaned out his room the other day. He put all of his little toys in a bag. He kept telling me that I needed to go through the bags. Of course I kept putting it off. So my hubby stepped in and went through them. He threw away the broken ones and then got rid of the rest.
A few days later I went in my sons room to finally go through the bags. I didn't even know that my husband had already beat me to it. I guess I was just a little heart broken. He got rid of almost all of his action figures, all of his "little kid" toys. Sure a lot of them were broken but I didn't even get to say goodbye. His transformers gone, his power rangers gone, they were all gone. Just a few remained.
This past weekend I finished helping him clean up. We actually we are still not done, we will finish up this weekend. I did manage to save some of my favorite toys, it took a little convincing.
Now video games and his imagination station have taken over (he likes to invent things). I do have to admit that his room is a lot cleaner but still. I thought getting rid of the baby toys was hard. This is even harder because now he is turning into a little man. No baby no more, not even a trace.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
I Always Have To Learn The Hard Way
I was up till after three yesterday morning and it was not by choice. Once again my stupidity gets the best of me.
I just couldn't fall asleep, my mind was racing. I had more energy then usual. Trying to figure out what in the world was going on. Then it hit me.
Before dinner around 7:30 the night before I decided to take this new all natural supplement that is supposed to help your body burn calories. I am really trying to lose that last 10-15 pounds, you know the hardest pounds to lose. I guess I just didn't learn my lesson from last time. The instructions said take 1 tablet, 1-2 times daily, 1 hour before meals. So that is what I did, give or take 20 minutes.
I knew that my dinner wasn't very healthy so I made sure to take one before. Well that is where my trouble began. I was really tired that evening but falling asleep was impossible. I went to bed around 10:00 pm and spent the next several hours wide awake. I must have gotten up about twenty times. It was seriously driving me nuts.
Finally falling asleep after three in the morning. I was a zombie at work the next day, completely exhausted and tired. I was jittery and jumpy too. I was past the point of crazy. Well at least this time I didn't end up in the hospital ;)
Apparently I am very sensitive to any kind of stimulant, wish my fat was really sensitive and burn off like it is supposed to. But no I have to learn the hard way. Guess another one bites the dust. I will just have to do things the old fashioned way, watching what I eat and exercising. Not fun ;)
I just couldn't fall asleep, my mind was racing. I had more energy then usual. Trying to figure out what in the world was going on. Then it hit me.
Before dinner around 7:30 the night before I decided to take this new all natural supplement that is supposed to help your body burn calories. I am really trying to lose that last 10-15 pounds, you know the hardest pounds to lose. I guess I just didn't learn my lesson from last time. The instructions said take 1 tablet, 1-2 times daily, 1 hour before meals. So that is what I did, give or take 20 minutes.
I knew that my dinner wasn't very healthy so I made sure to take one before. Well that is where my trouble began. I was really tired that evening but falling asleep was impossible. I went to bed around 10:00 pm and spent the next several hours wide awake. I must have gotten up about twenty times. It was seriously driving me nuts.
Finally falling asleep after three in the morning. I was a zombie at work the next day, completely exhausted and tired. I was jittery and jumpy too. I was past the point of crazy. Well at least this time I didn't end up in the hospital ;)
Apparently I am very sensitive to any kind of stimulant, wish my fat was really sensitive and burn off like it is supposed to. But no I have to learn the hard way. Guess another one bites the dust. I will just have to do things the old fashioned way, watching what I eat and exercising. Not fun ;)
Monday, July 18, 2011
Mr. Didn't Want to Do Anything
When we first arrived at family camp my oldest didn't want to do anything. They had tons of activities and he had an excuse for everything. He didn't want to ride horses, he didn't want to ride in a boat. So I just put him down for everything. I told him that he just had to do everything once and then he wouldn't have to do it again if he didn't want to, but he at least had to try it once.
When we went horseback riding he complained the whole way there. Once we were done he wanted to know when we could go again. The same thing with tubing. He didn't want to go until he went and then after that he couldn't get enough. He had a blast and he made a lot of friends too, a lot from last year too.
Mr. didn't want to do anything. Good thing I'm a mean mommy that makes my kids do things that they don't want to do. I know them better then they know themselves. Sometimes they just need a little push.
When we went horseback riding he complained the whole way there. Once we were done he wanted to know when we could go again. The same thing with tubing. He didn't want to go until he went and then after that he couldn't get enough. He had a blast and he made a lot of friends too, a lot from last year too.
Mr. didn't want to do anything. Good thing I'm a mean mommy that makes my kids do things that they don't want to do. I know them better then they know themselves. Sometimes they just need a little push.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
That's What Little Girls Do
At family camp we had morning and evening worship. My little one liked to sit next her little friend. They are about a week apart in age. His dad used to be the pastor at our Church. So we kind of arranged for them to get married when then are old enough ;)
So they sang their song, there was a skit and then the Pastor (the little ones friends dad) was sharing a message with the group (mini sermon). As I look over to check on the little ones, I see my little one plant a great big one smack on the lips of her little friend. The look on his face was priceless as his eyes were the biggest I had ever seen. Thinking, rather hoping that nobody else saw, hoping that they were paying attention to the message and not the two cute kiddies in the front. Later finding out it was the talk of the day.
The Pastors wife, who is just an awesome friend leans over to me and says "When they are older we will just have to tell them they already kissed". She just takes everything in stride, I felt better.
I guess that is just what little girls do. If only I had my camera, but at least that image will stay in my head forever. It was tooo cute.
So they sang their song, there was a skit and then the Pastor (the little ones friends dad) was sharing a message with the group (mini sermon). As I look over to check on the little ones, I see my little one plant a great big one smack on the lips of her little friend. The look on his face was priceless as his eyes were the biggest I had ever seen. Thinking, rather hoping that nobody else saw, hoping that they were paying attention to the message and not the two cute kiddies in the front. Later finding out it was the talk of the day.
The Pastors wife, who is just an awesome friend leans over to me and says "When they are older we will just have to tell them they already kissed". She just takes everything in stride, I felt better.
I guess that is just what little girls do. If only I had my camera, but at least that image will stay in my head forever. It was tooo cute.
Monday, July 11, 2011
No Fear
Last week at family camp, we did a lot. I personally had to step out of my comfort zone for quite a few things. My kids seem to let nothing faze them. We went ziplining. Now I for one am scared of heights, and two don't like to not have control over a situation. So you can see how ziplining is the perfect choice for me. I had to pump myself up for days, but I did it and I survived. It was so much fun, except for not knowing how to brake, but that was just funny.
My oldest went on it like nothing, he didn't even blink. My youngest got excited and told us all that she was going to do it all by herself. She did, but one it started got a little scared because of the noise from the wire. She didn't cry, she just had a really serious face at the end.
We all took a turn and had a blast. I will try to post more about our vacation at family camp.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
It's Official- I'm Crazy
Well Monday will not be forgotten any time soon. It was an experience to say the least, an expensive one at that.
In an attempt to become healthier, I decided to make an effort to take all of my supplements and eat better. I am a real slacker when it comes to taking pills. I even attempted to try a new supplement, this is where my trouble began.
It was a hectic day. What I thought I ordered for lunch and what I got for lunch were two different things, so needless to say I didn't eat much and about an hour later I was starving. It was a few hours after that, that I got off and headed home. Around 5:00 pm I took my supplements and the new one, we left to pick up the kids and then headed to eat dinner out. Remind you I hadn't eaten anything since lunch.
Around 5:45 pm we were in the car and I got this weird overwhelming feeling. My heart stared racing and my body went weak and I thought I was having a panic attack. Since I have these often I figured it would pass. It did, then it happened again. It ended up happening at least four different times at the restaurant.
I knew something wasn't right so I started to think back, look at the time frame. I figured it had to be the new supplement that I was taking. I took it on an empty stomach and it is supposed to help with energy and metabolism, so that had to be it. Only now I was having panic attacks induced by the rapid heartbeat and was unable to eat.
I made my husband take me to the emergency room. After blood work, an EKG and peeing in a cup (that in itself was an experience, I had about ten wires hooked up to me). I told that doctor what I had taken, gave him the timeline. The ER doctor said well if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck. They had to give me anti-anxiety medicine through an IV to make the attacks stop. GO ME!!!!
Five hours in the emergency room and I am sure a hefty bill to go with it.
I am better now, but what an experience. I learned my lesson. Note to self, take vitamins and supplements with food and throw that stupid new stuff away ;)
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Oh The Drama
If you think my three year old is bad, you should see her brother. My three year old may be the drama queen, but my eight year old is the drama king. Everything with him is drama. Homework, cleaning his room, helping me with something. Something hurts, his stomach, his head, his back, and he can't get up. I have never seen such drama in my life.
It is easy to tell when my eight year old is tired. He is extremely miserable. A few weekend's ago, he spent the night at his Grammy's. He loves going to Grammy's especially when there is no competition with his sister or little cousin. At his Grammy's he does whatever he wants and he gets all of the attention. Well this weekend that he stayed at his Grammy's he stayed up really late and got up really early. So most of the day he was tired.
We went out to eat with the family for Mother's Day and one our way home told him that he would need to take his bath and get ready for bed. That is when the drama erupted. He began the whining and crying in the car, the "I don't want to take a bath" over and over again. That lasted all the way home. Once we got him he continued.
He was actually in the shower crying "I don't want to take a bath" over and over. I had to laugh, seriously it is a little too late know, in fact at that point it was moot. But he continued until he was done. I am guessing after his shower he figured the point was moot and moved on. It was done and over with, he couldn't really cry about it anymore. He went to bed shortly after. But it was funny.
Oh the drama!!! But sometimes can be rather entertaining ;) I love these kids!!
It is easy to tell when my eight year old is tired. He is extremely miserable. A few weekend's ago, he spent the night at his Grammy's. He loves going to Grammy's especially when there is no competition with his sister or little cousin. At his Grammy's he does whatever he wants and he gets all of the attention. Well this weekend that he stayed at his Grammy's he stayed up really late and got up really early. So most of the day he was tired.
We went out to eat with the family for Mother's Day and one our way home told him that he would need to take his bath and get ready for bed. That is when the drama erupted. He began the whining and crying in the car, the "I don't want to take a bath" over and over again. That lasted all the way home. Once we got him he continued.
He was actually in the shower crying "I don't want to take a bath" over and over. I had to laugh, seriously it is a little too late know, in fact at that point it was moot. But he continued until he was done. I am guessing after his shower he figured the point was moot and moved on. It was done and over with, he couldn't really cry about it anymore. He went to bed shortly after. But it was funny.
Oh the drama!!! But sometimes can be rather entertaining ;) I love these kids!!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Cafe' Du Monde
We took a little impromptu trip to New Orleans with the kids. Its has been a while since we really took them anywhere fun so we decided to hop in the car and go to New Orleans (it is only a few hours away). They got to go swimming, the movies and the aquarium (I will post about that with pics later). But my most favorite spot of all was Cafe' Du Monde. With its famous beignets and cafe' au lait, I had to make the stop and it was well worth it.
When we arrived it was crowded, but what do you expect, it is Cafe' Du Monde. We finally found a spot to sit, it wasn't long before the waiter came to take our order, he was even quicker to bring us our order. As I sat and looked around I could see the powdered sugar filled air. It was so nice, the weather was nice, it was laid back and friendly. We were just a click away from Jackson Square and we had already walked the river. It was so much fun.
Even funnier was watching my two little ones trying to eat their beignets. They were a sticky mess. But it was soo good!!! My little one ate mostly sugar. But that is ok, she doesn't usually eat like that. This was a real treat for them both, for me too.
I will post more about our quick trip to New Orleans, but wanted to share a few pics about my favorite place. If you ever find yourself in NOLA, make sure you stop by here, you will not regret it.
When we arrived it was crowded, but what do you expect, it is Cafe' Du Monde. We finally found a spot to sit, it wasn't long before the waiter came to take our order, he was even quicker to bring us our order. As I sat and looked around I could see the powdered sugar filled air. It was so nice, the weather was nice, it was laid back and friendly. We were just a click away from Jackson Square and we had already walked the river. It was so much fun.
Even funnier was watching my two little ones trying to eat their beignets. They were a sticky mess. But it was soo good!!! My little one ate mostly sugar. But that is ok, she doesn't usually eat like that. This was a real treat for them both, for me too.
I will post more about our quick trip to New Orleans, but wanted to share a few pics about my favorite place. If you ever find yourself in NOLA, make sure you stop by here, you will not regret it.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
I'm Not Ready For This
I will admit that my daughter sleeps in the bed with us. It wasn't supposed to be this way, but somehow it just happened. I'm not a lazy parent, just a really tired one. I figured that are only small once and then that's it, they grow up.
So the little one, the three year old, has made her place right in the middle of my bed. Good thing it is a king size. It's not too uncomfortable, and the truth is when it is cold outside, it is really nice to have a little heating pad right next to you.
Well a few nights ago, we jokingly asked her if she would be sleeping in her bed that night. Apparently she thought is was a good idea. She climbed out of our bed, walked across the house, climbed into her bed and went to sleep. She didn't wake up until 9:00 am the next morning.
Thinking this was just a fluke, she did it again the next night. I am not ready for this. I was just joking. What can I say? She is getting big, independent (with the exception of the potty).
The truth is the bed is kind of empty without her. Is it sad that I am hoping this is not permanent? I know, I need to let her grow up. Can't I just keep her little a little bit longer?
So the little one, the three year old, has made her place right in the middle of my bed. Good thing it is a king size. It's not too uncomfortable, and the truth is when it is cold outside, it is really nice to have a little heating pad right next to you.
Well a few nights ago, we jokingly asked her if she would be sleeping in her bed that night. Apparently she thought is was a good idea. She climbed out of our bed, walked across the house, climbed into her bed and went to sleep. She didn't wake up until 9:00 am the next morning.
Thinking this was just a fluke, she did it again the next night. I am not ready for this. I was just joking. What can I say? She is getting big, independent (with the exception of the potty).
The truth is the bed is kind of empty without her. Is it sad that I am hoping this is not permanent? I know, I need to let her grow up. Can't I just keep her little a little bit longer?
Monday, April 18, 2011
Build A Bear
Do they seriously have to put this store in the center of the mall, so that no matter what direction you go in, you have to walk in front of it? It seems that every time we walk by this store this overwhelming force stops my kids in their tracks and pulls them in. Of course they are trying to pull me in with them. But I remain strong.
I will admit I like the store too but it is so expensive. I can bet that I will at the very least be spending about 50 bucks on one visit. My kids can't just build a 12 dollar bear they have to have all of the accessories known to man.
Well a few weeks ago I finally gave in. It was a few weeks after the little one's birthday. Thanks to a few gift cards I decided to bring the kiddies to their favorite store in the mall. The little one was overwhelmed and didn't know where to go first. It took her forever just to pick out her bear. The accessories were another story, she loves clothes. My oldest just got him some accessories for his two build a bears that he already has.
We were just about done when my little one spotted a tiny cell phone for her bear. Only she wanted to the phone for herself. So after we checked out and they got their stuff in their boxes, we were walking out the mall. The little one proceeds to talk very loudly on her new cell phone (toy phone, of course). Then she stops to slide the keyboard out and text. She is three remind you. I hope she knows that it will be a very, very long time before she gets a real one of those. It was rather funny though. Above is her finished product, below that is the pic I got chasing her around trying to get a pic of her. Fun, Fun ;)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tornado Warning!!!
A few days after that he was down the street playing at a friends house and must have came home a dozen times saying that the clouds were getting dark.
But Monday takes the cake.
I had to stop at a ladies house to pick up some stuff. My son has come with me plenty of times. As I pulled into her driveway I asked him is he was getting down or staying in the car. He opted to stay in the car. So I let him stay, I was only going to be a few minutes. So I get down and we chatted a little, another lady showed up an we chatted some more. I really wasn't that long. A few minutes after the other lady arrived we hear this pounding on the door. We were are a little stumped of who it could be, when the door opened in comes my little one hopping through the door. I could tell something was up. He was hiding behind me. When I asked him what was wrong, he acted like nothing.
As we were walking out the door to leave, my son finally fesses up. He tells me that there was a tornado warning on the radio. I can only image the fear that must have consumed him when he heard this. I am sure he looked around for this tornado, saw that it was clear and made a run for it. The tornado was not getting him. Now my son is shy, really really shy. Even though he has met these people before he had to have been terrified to have taken it upon himself to go to the door and knock like he did.
Once we got back in the car, I assured him that I would not have left him in the car if I thought a tornado was coming. I then explained to him what the radio was saying and what the warning meant.
It was funny to say the least. He even laughed later that evening when I told his dad. I love this kid, I have been laughing all week about this.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Bad Hair Day
It takes a lot to get my hair to look decent. It is naturally curly and mostly frizzy. I got up a little early because I really needed to wash it and that is not a task that I would like to take on at the gym. So I half way dried it thinking that after my workout I would just finish drying it and straightened it before going to work. That didn't happen.
When I got to the gym this morning with all of my accessories I was told that the outlets in the women's locker room were out. Really?!? Yes, well I live about 15 minutes from the gym in the opposite direction of where I work, so going back home was not an option. So I said to myself, I will figure it out. I am sure that it was probably a flipped breaker, but those poor kids working there probably didn't know what that was or where to eve find it.
So with no hairdryer and no straightener I sported a nice manelike look, it was big and it was everywhere. It was nice and frizzy too, even with the frizz serum that I put in. Lets just say that my hair was in a ponytail all day. But I made it, I survived. Next time I will be more prepared
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Oh, What A Night ;)
Last night, well lets just say will be a night to remember. I had my monthly dinner club meeting. It is the highlight of my month. Me time with my girls, we have dinner we joke and talk and play games. Its a blast and a needed break from the craziness of work, hubby and kids.
So the night started as any other, our meeting was at one of the girls houses that was a in the next town about a 30 minute drive from my house. The evening went too fast and it was time to leave. Well that is where the fun begins.
About 10 minutes out my car started to give me trouble. I noticed the lights dimming a little and then my abs and airbag light came on and I felt a little jerk. Trying not to panic I took the very next exit ramp off of the interstate. Good thing I did, as I got to the traffic light at the bottom of the exit ramp my car shut off completely. I coasted off to the side off the road. It was dark and there was not much around. Good thing I wasn't alone, my sister and some other friends were with me. If it wasn't for them I might have just lost my mind.
Of course, I didn't have any jumper cables but one of the girls called her fiance who was pretty close by. He was closer then my husband who was across town. After a little while we were joined by some more of my dinner clubs girls, they didn't have any jumper cables either but I sure enjoyed the company. We had our own little party on the exit ramp.
My friends fiance showed up with jumper cables but that didn't work because it was the alternator not the battery that went out. Go me!!! So my husband is on his way, and we are hanging around waiting. I called for a tow, what other choice did I have.
While we are waiting over a dozen cars pass by, no one stops. Finally a police officer stops to "help". Of all the police officers around the one that stops is one of my old friends ex-boyfriends (they ended on bad terms). Hoping he didn't recognize me, he did, I was trying to hide. I think he was as uncomfortable at me, he made sure we had it under control and quickly left in under 60 seconds.
My husband finally showed with my poor baby sleeping in the back, shes a trooper. We see the tow truck and he zooms right by us, he goes to another car that is broken down. Mind you I am on the phone with him trying to wave him down. When my car broke down there were no other cars around, when the tow truck came there were two other cars right around the area with their hazard lights on. The tow truck went to the other two cars before he finally discovered mind (Yes, I was still on the phone with him waving him down.)
So he is towing my truck to the dealership and then we realize that the dealership moved, as we were about to pull into the place that used to be the dealership. Good thing my sister didn't live far. We had the tow truck bring my car to her house.
It was after one o'clock before I got home. It was one of those you either laugh or cry moments. I laughed and I laughed. What else are you supposed to do when everything goes wrong.
So now I am stuck on foot, until my car can get fixed. But I do have some pictures to remember my evening. Enjoy!!
So the night started as any other, our meeting was at one of the girls houses that was a in the next town about a 30 minute drive from my house. The evening went too fast and it was time to leave. Well that is where the fun begins.
About 10 minutes out my car started to give me trouble. I noticed the lights dimming a little and then my abs and airbag light came on and I felt a little jerk. Trying not to panic I took the very next exit ramp off of the interstate. Good thing I did, as I got to the traffic light at the bottom of the exit ramp my car shut off completely. I coasted off to the side off the road. It was dark and there was not much around. Good thing I wasn't alone, my sister and some other friends were with me. If it wasn't for them I might have just lost my mind.
Of course, I didn't have any jumper cables but one of the girls called her fiance who was pretty close by. He was closer then my husband who was across town. After a little while we were joined by some more of my dinner clubs girls, they didn't have any jumper cables either but I sure enjoyed the company. We had our own little party on the exit ramp.
My friends fiance showed up with jumper cables but that didn't work because it was the alternator not the battery that went out. Go me!!! So my husband is on his way, and we are hanging around waiting. I called for a tow, what other choice did I have.
While we are waiting over a dozen cars pass by, no one stops. Finally a police officer stops to "help". Of all the police officers around the one that stops is one of my old friends ex-boyfriends (they ended on bad terms). Hoping he didn't recognize me, he did, I was trying to hide. I think he was as uncomfortable at me, he made sure we had it under control and quickly left in under 60 seconds.
My husband finally showed with my poor baby sleeping in the back, shes a trooper. We see the tow truck and he zooms right by us, he goes to another car that is broken down. Mind you I am on the phone with him trying to wave him down. When my car broke down there were no other cars around, when the tow truck came there were two other cars right around the area with their hazard lights on. The tow truck went to the other two cars before he finally discovered mind (Yes, I was still on the phone with him waving him down.)
So he is towing my truck to the dealership and then we realize that the dealership moved, as we were about to pull into the place that used to be the dealership. Good thing my sister didn't live far. We had the tow truck bring my car to her house.
It was after one o'clock before I got home. It was one of those you either laugh or cry moments. I laughed and I laughed. What else are you supposed to do when everything goes wrong.
So now I am stuck on foot, until my car can get fixed. But I do have some pictures to remember my evening. Enjoy!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Hangover
Monday morning I felt horrible. I just had to go back for more. I knew better but I just couldn't help myself. So Monday morning I was paying for it. It was just so good. I just had to have another and so the next morning I had the worst cake hangover.
I don't drink, haven't in about 6 years. But I do indulge in good cake and Sunday at the little ones birthday party, a little too much. Not only was it a beautiful cake it was sooooo gooooood!!. The filling tasted like candy and my brain shut off and didn't tell me when I had to much so I had to suffer the consequences of my actions. When will I ever learn.
Yes, I love to eat and usually I don't overdo it, but thanks to my sister-in-law who has a gift when it comes to baking cakes I went a little to far. Sure at the party I only ate a little, but I couldn't wait for everyone to leave so that I could indulge. Actually I wasn't that bad. But I did have cake all week. I just ate a little bit everyday until it was gone, really I did.
By far it was the best cake I have ever eaten and now (tear) it is gone :(
But we all had fun at the party and the little one got to eat cake too and she got a lot of gifts too.
That is a sugar flower that she is eating, my sister-in-law made that too. Don't worry I sent her home with them, just kidding ;)
I don't drink, haven't in about 6 years. But I do indulge in good cake and Sunday at the little ones birthday party, a little too much. Not only was it a beautiful cake it was sooooo gooooood!!. The filling tasted like candy and my brain shut off and didn't tell me when I had to much so I had to suffer the consequences of my actions. When will I ever learn.
Yes, I love to eat and usually I don't overdo it, but thanks to my sister-in-law who has a gift when it comes to baking cakes I went a little to far. Sure at the party I only ate a little, but I couldn't wait for everyone to leave so that I could indulge. Actually I wasn't that bad. But I did have cake all week. I just ate a little bit everyday until it was gone, really I did.
By far it was the best cake I have ever eaten and now (tear) it is gone :(
But we all had fun at the party and the little one got to eat cake too and she got a lot of gifts too.
That is a sugar flower that she is eating, my sister-in-law made that too. Don't worry I sent her home with them, just kidding ;)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The Big 3!!!!
The little one turned 3 yesterday (tear), it is bittersweet, but so is every birthday. We has a nice fun filled day; church, grammy & papas for lunch, ice cream cake, presents, the park, shopping, out to eat for dinner, more ice cream a movie then bed. You can imagine but the end of the day we were all tired. And her party isn't even till next weekend.
She is getting so big and so independent. Just thought instead of writing a whole bunch today, I would just post a few pics from our day.
She is getting so big and so independent. Just thought instead of writing a whole bunch today, I would just post a few pics from our day.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
This evening my son decided that he was not going to eat what I cooked for supper. After going through the dramatic it is horrible and yuck, he said he wasn't going to eat it. So my husband and I told him that if he didn't eat that, then he would eat nothing. So he said that he wasn't going to eat anything then. It didn't help that my mother-in-law was offering to fix him something else. She didn't, we made it known that was not an option.
Having lost the initial challenge we decided to raise him one. We told him that if he didn't eat it for supper, then he would eat it for lunch tomorrow instead of our weekly Friday outing for lunch. Now we got his attention. After a little while of deliberation he decided he would eat a little. If not he would just be punishing himself twice.
He is spoiled, you know it doesn't matter when I cook, he doesn't like it. He even has the little one saying yuck and gross along with the dramatic shenanigans.
I really don't think I am that bad of a cook, my husband doesn't complain. But then again, maybe he knows better.
Having lost the initial challenge we decided to raise him one. We told him that if he didn't eat it for supper, then he would eat it for lunch tomorrow instead of our weekly Friday outing for lunch. Now we got his attention. After a little while of deliberation he decided he would eat a little. If not he would just be punishing himself twice.
He is spoiled, you know it doesn't matter when I cook, he doesn't like it. He even has the little one saying yuck and gross along with the dramatic shenanigans.
I really don't think I am that bad of a cook, my husband doesn't complain. But then again, maybe he knows better.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
All By Myself
That is the little ones newest saying. She is becoming quite independent. Yesterday she dresses herself, all by herself. She announces "I did it, all by myself". She likes to help with everything, even when it takes twice as long. But I like to encourage my kids to be independent, and to be good helpers.
Now if only she would use the potty. She will be three on Saturday and there is no progress in the potty department. Unless you want to count the other evening.
It was my sister-in-laws birthday and we went out to eat. It was almost time to sing "Happy Birthday" when the little one decided she needed to go potty. After saying it really loud a dozen times I gave in and brought her. Reminding you that she never wants to go at home and will change the subject when asked. She actually sat on the toilet, took her precious time, using the potty. By the time we got back "Happy Birthday" was already sung and the check was paid. So we missed it. I thought it was rather funny, this chick.
Can't wait till she can use the potty all by herself ;)
Now if only she would use the potty. She will be three on Saturday and there is no progress in the potty department. Unless you want to count the other evening.
It was my sister-in-laws birthday and we went out to eat. It was almost time to sing "Happy Birthday" when the little one decided she needed to go potty. After saying it really loud a dozen times I gave in and brought her. Reminding you that she never wants to go at home and will change the subject when asked. She actually sat on the toilet, took her precious time, using the potty. By the time we got back "Happy Birthday" was already sung and the check was paid. So we missed it. I thought it was rather funny, this chick.
Can't wait till she can use the potty all by herself ;)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
A few weeks ago one of his friends came over after school and I noticed that his pants looked good as new. When I asked he said that he didn't slide on the ground like the my child and some of the other kids.
I gave my son the lecture about taking care of his clothes. So I decided to patch his uniform pants. It seemed like an easier and inexpensive solution. I told my son and he didn't seem to mind.
On the way to school the other morning he noticed the patch, I hear "Mom, I thought you were going to put them on the inside of my pants." He was a little upset. So, I explained how they go on.
When we get to school, he refused to get out of the car. He literally sat in there for about five minutes until I had to fuss at him to get out or I would be late for work.
My husband told me that the week before he didn't want to get out of the car because of his new haircut.
Do they have to be so difficult? The only kids that teased him were his two friends who he had to show his pants to, so if you ask me, he asked for it.
Yes, I am a mean mom. I like to embarrass my children and teach them lessons.
He has since stopped sliding on his knees. Mission accomplished ;)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Diva !?!?
Once again the little one never ceases to amaze me. She really keeps me on my toes. If only I could video her 24/7 I would be rich. It is like watching a diva on the rise.
A few weeks ago we were at my parents house. We usually visit on the weekends. Well, we were leaving so I told the little one to make her rounds of hugs and kisses and make sure she told everyone bye. She looked at everyone in the room and said "bye, bye, bye, bye, bye" enough byes to cover everyone in the room along with her wave specifically to each person. It was too funny. She eventually gave her hugs and kisses but it was a lazy way of saying bye.
Well this past weekend we were at my parents again and it was just my mom and dad home. We were leaving and I told her to give her grammy and papa hugs and kisses before we left. This time she goes to the door turns to them and says "hug, hug" while making the hug motion in the air and then proceeded to tell them bye as she was walking out the door. It was her diva I am going to give you air hugs because I don't feel like walking over to give you real hugs.
We were all laughing, what are you supposed to do with that. It was so funny. What will she do next? Who knows on this diva journey. I just know that I have got my hands full. She did give them real hugs and kisses before she left, but her attempt was really funny.
A few weeks ago we were at my parents house. We usually visit on the weekends. Well, we were leaving so I told the little one to make her rounds of hugs and kisses and make sure she told everyone bye. She looked at everyone in the room and said "bye, bye, bye, bye, bye" enough byes to cover everyone in the room along with her wave specifically to each person. It was too funny. She eventually gave her hugs and kisses but it was a lazy way of saying bye.
Well this past weekend we were at my parents again and it was just my mom and dad home. We were leaving and I told her to give her grammy and papa hugs and kisses before we left. This time she goes to the door turns to them and says "hug, hug" while making the hug motion in the air and then proceeded to tell them bye as she was walking out the door. It was her diva I am going to give you air hugs because I don't feel like walking over to give you real hugs.
We were all laughing, what are you supposed to do with that. It was so funny. What will she do next? Who knows on this diva journey. I just know that I have got my hands full. She did give them real hugs and kisses before she left, but her attempt was really funny.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Do I Have To Go To School?
Last night my eight year was sick. Well lets say four o'clock this morning I hear my husband yelling for me from the other room. As I flew out of bed thinking that I was dreaming it became clear that I wasn't. I stumbled through the house to my son's room to find my son you know, upchucking. (I'm sorry upchucking is just a little easier word for me, it makes it sound just a little less gross, just a little;))
This continued for awhile. I am assuming that I was awakened to clean up the mess, you know change the sheets and clean the bed. That's what moms are for. So we finally make the transition for my son from his bed room to the bathroom, where I wish he would have made it to in the first place (I will spare you the details).
So it is after four in the morning he has been at it for awhile now, in the mist of the, well for lack of a better word, grossness, he asks "do I have to go to school ?" I told him yes of course, just kidding. I am sure that I am really that bad of a mom to make my sick child go to school in that condition. It was just so funny that of all things he could have been worried about, that is what he was thinking of.
Did he really think that going to school after all of that was even an option? He was tired and sick, am I really that much of a tyrant? I hope not.
Well he is doing much better today so there will be school tomorrow ;)
This continued for awhile. I am assuming that I was awakened to clean up the mess, you know change the sheets and clean the bed. That's what moms are for. So we finally make the transition for my son from his bed room to the bathroom, where I wish he would have made it to in the first place (I will spare you the details).
So it is after four in the morning he has been at it for awhile now, in the mist of the, well for lack of a better word, grossness, he asks "do I have to go to school ?" I told him yes of course, just kidding. I am sure that I am really that bad of a mom to make my sick child go to school in that condition. It was just so funny that of all things he could have been worried about, that is what he was thinking of.
Did he really think that going to school after all of that was even an option? He was tired and sick, am I really that much of a tyrant? I hope not.
Well he is doing much better today so there will be school tomorrow ;)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Girls Are Supposed to Be Easier
Yeah right!! I haven't posted about potty training with the little one because there is simply nothing to post about. My two almost three year old outright refuses to use the potty. I have tried a million ways, rewards, bribery, but absolutely nothing works. She will outright tell me that she does not want to use the potty. I don't know what I am going to do with her.
I was always told that girls are easier to potty train but apparently they were not talking about my little one. She is extremely strong willed. You would think as independent as she is, she would want to be potty trained, but no. I guess maybe it is a little inconvenient for her. I mean having to stop what she is doing and take time out of her busy schedule.
It took a week to get my son potty trained, he wasn't quite three yet. After one week he had it down and we never had any problems. So in my book, boys are easier.
For now I will wait until she is ready which hopefully will be soon. I really don't want a preschooler that is not potty trained.
I was always told that girls are easier to potty train but apparently they were not talking about my little one. She is extremely strong willed. You would think as independent as she is, she would want to be potty trained, but no. I guess maybe it is a little inconvenient for her. I mean having to stop what she is doing and take time out of her busy schedule.
It took a week to get my son potty trained, he wasn't quite three yet. After one week he had it down and we never had any problems. So in my book, boys are easier.
For now I will wait until she is ready which hopefully will be soon. I really don't want a preschooler that is not potty trained.
Friday, February 11, 2011
The Captain's Chair
You are not my friend. You may look easy and seem appealing but you are not. I don't understand why it is only you that help me with my rectus abdominus (aka pot belly aka post baby belly). Most days I try to avoid you completely, but I know that there is no other option in order for me to accomplish my goal.
So what if you are voted second for the best ab exercises. It doesn't make me feel any better. And it doesn't make it any easier. I mean why couldn't you come with a seat so I don't look so stupid sliding down as I am trying to pick my legs up. Using every bit of my upper body strength in order to get one rep done. As is one rep will help with anything.
I hate you, I despise you, but yet I keep coming back for more. I come back for more in hopes that one day you will pay off.
Could you just take it a little easier on me, so that I don't try to avoid you most days. I really need us to have a better relationship in order to reach my goal. Because at this rate it ain't ever going to happen.
Thank you and I will see you Monday, maybe ;)
Monday, February 7, 2011
I have literally been melting semisweet chocolate chips just to get my fix. I know it is disgusting, but I can't help myself. You don't want to be around me when I feel a craving coming on. I want my chocolate and I don't care how I get it, and nobody can take it away from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Probably the reason why I haven't lost any weight. Will I give it up??? Probably not. Well, guess it could be worse ;) I guess I could try to cut back, we will see.
Friday, February 4, 2011
It's Just A Game
Anyway, I myself haven't been playing the game too much, do really have the time. But my husband and my son have been playing it a lot lately. I about to throw the stupid game away. For hours while they play they are yelling at each other for stupid stuff. IT IS JUST A STUPID GAME!!!!!! Geez, it is driving me crazy.
I will admit that I really don't like playing the game with my son either. He jumps on you, causes you to lose a life, gets in the way and steals your stuff. He rushes through the game and it is very aggravating. But me, I either don't play or bite my tongue when playing with him (or try to anyway, I do fuss at him a little, not like my husband though). But them two will yell at each other. I had to threaten to punish both of them from the game today. They were driving me nuts. Seriously dudes, it is just a game, WHO CARES???????????????????????? And they still want to play and fight, go figure.
I bought the game cause I thought it would be fun, I am rethinking my decision now ;)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Last night we went out to dinner, my eight year old wanted to stay at his Grammy's so it was just me, my husband and the little one. There was bread on the table that she was eating, that is until my salad came and she threw the bread down as if the salad was for her. Then she started taking out the croutons, one by one till they all were gone. I just laughed and pushed the ones to the side that I found hiding. Since apparently the lettuce is for me and the croutons are for her.
The little things. Being a parent you give up so much, but it is so worth it. Whether is it that last piece of cake, or not getting something you really wanted just so you can get them that video game that they have been wanting. You would starve just to make sure that they have enough. You go without to make sure they don't. Their wants become so much more important then your needs.
What I wouldn't do for them, even if it means eating my salad without croutons ;)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
A Simple Giggle Saves The Day
I have been having a blah week. Not just one thing, but just a whole bunch of little things all at once. The weather doesn't help, rainy and overcast. Give me a break here. So as I am moping around feeling blah, it just seems like things aren't going to get any better. Then out of the blah, a simple giggle saves the day.
I love to hear my kids laugh. It instantly brightens my day. Their little innocent giggles over the craziest thing and I forget about the blahs. They remind me about what is right with the world. The little one especially is the giggle queen. She will start and can't stop, that is my favorite part. The best part of my day is picking up my little boy from school and seeing his silly grin when I say something funny and he doesn't want to smile but can't help it. I forget about the crappy day before. Yes, they still drive me nuts, but those smiles and those giggles are priceless.
Sitting here trying to think about what I could possibly write about, I remembered the silly giggle over a silly word that made my day ;) And made me forget about the blah ;) What would I do without these two?
I love to hear my kids laugh. It instantly brightens my day. Their little innocent giggles over the craziest thing and I forget about the blahs. They remind me about what is right with the world. The little one especially is the giggle queen. She will start and can't stop, that is my favorite part. The best part of my day is picking up my little boy from school and seeing his silly grin when I say something funny and he doesn't want to smile but can't help it. I forget about the crappy day before. Yes, they still drive me nuts, but those smiles and those giggles are priceless.
Sitting here trying to think about what I could possibly write about, I remembered the silly giggle over a silly word that made my day ;) And made me forget about the blah ;) What would I do without these two?
Friday, January 21, 2011
It's Not Just Me
I went to they gym this morning (yes, so far, so good). Now when I dress for the gym I usually wear my yoga pants or gym pants (whatever you call them), and a big long t-shirt. I wear the t-shirt to cover my not so appealing assets ;) I try to be courteous to others ;) I will admit it I am a little self-conscious, which is why I started going to the gym. I am trying to get back to my pre-baby weight (my bay is almost 3).
Although there are some not so in shape people at the gym (like me) there are also some really in shape people there. It used to be really intimating, until today. At I was walking around switching equipment I noticed other women, which to me there was nothing wrong with them, adjusting their outfits like me. Making sure to cover what they thought we not so appealing assets.
So, it's not just me. It seems that all women see things in themselves that nobody notices. We are all a little self conscious of things that we shouldn't be. I guess we all are little insecure to some point. It doesn't make me feel better to know that other women are insecure, it makes me fell better that it's not just me.
So next time you are feeling a little insecure. Remember, that perfect lady that you see with no flaws, she is just as insecure as you ;) And always remember that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
(Disclaimer- some readers may find the following post TMI or just plain gross, proceed with extreme caution ;)
Needless to say I am not the most motherly mother. I mean I try to be. I try to be nurturing and comforting. I worry about what they eat, make sure they take their vitamins. I hold them when they are running a fever constantly checking them, making sure they are comfortable. But when it comes to upchucking, that is where I draw the line.
This evening the little one had a tummy ache. I should have known that it was coming but was caught off guard. My husband wasn't home, so I am there by myself attempting to clean up the mess that was everywhere including myself and her. I was holding her when it occurred. It was gross, but I warned you. So if you are reading this it is your own fault. I was literally running with her to the tub. Luckily my husband got home soon after.
He is better at cleaning that type of mess, he has that motherly instinct that I lack, allowing him to clean that stuff up without upchucking himself. I on the hand will spend the whole time gagging and running. It takes me twice as long to clean up. I wish I could say that I was one of those moms that can clean it up without batting any eye but I'm not. I can handle just about anything else, though.
So it was gross, but it is all cleaned up now. The joys of motherhood. Lets just hope it done for now. Sorry if I got your stomachs turning ;) She is sleeping now, hope she feels better soon.
Needless to say I am not the most motherly mother. I mean I try to be. I try to be nurturing and comforting. I worry about what they eat, make sure they take their vitamins. I hold them when they are running a fever constantly checking them, making sure they are comfortable. But when it comes to upchucking, that is where I draw the line.
This evening the little one had a tummy ache. I should have known that it was coming but was caught off guard. My husband wasn't home, so I am there by myself attempting to clean up the mess that was everywhere including myself and her. I was holding her when it occurred. It was gross, but I warned you. So if you are reading this it is your own fault. I was literally running with her to the tub. Luckily my husband got home soon after.
He is better at cleaning that type of mess, he has that motherly instinct that I lack, allowing him to clean that stuff up without upchucking himself. I on the hand will spend the whole time gagging and running. It takes me twice as long to clean up. I wish I could say that I was one of those moms that can clean it up without batting any eye but I'm not. I can handle just about anything else, though.
So it was gross, but it is all cleaned up now. The joys of motherhood. Lets just hope it done for now. Sorry if I got your stomachs turning ;) She is sleeping now, hope she feels better soon.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Natural White Highlights
If you know me, or if you have been reading this blog, then you know that I am not a girlie girl. I am not one of those that spends hours primping to go out. On occasion I can take an hour and a half to get ready. Usually not that long, unless I get side tracked. So, I guess you can guess that I am not one to spend much time on my hair either. I have colored (dyed) my hair only a handful of times. Unless you count high school where it was either black or purple (I went through a faze).
So when I first discovered these intruders I panicked a little. I even found one in my eyebrow, that one had to go. I started cutting them short. Yeah, it looks real cute when they start to grow out. Now there are too many to cut short and with my hair not as thick as it used to be, I need all the help I can get, no matter what color they are.
My old hairdresser used to try to talk me into coloring my hair, but I just didn't want to start doing that knowing that I wouldn't be able to keep up with it. So, here lately they don't seem to be too bad or maybe I'm just really getting used to them.
Unless I turn completely salt and pepper, I won't be coloring them anytime soon. My natural white highlights, they give me character ;)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Big 8
Wednesday was my baby's eighth birthday (tear), today was his party. The words just don't want to come out. He is getting so big. I want him to stay small just a while longer. It is really hard to accept the fact that my baby is growing up. Well this whole weekend was just for him.
Friday he wanted a friend from school to come over. Ok, that's fine, they played all day and his friend spent the night. Saturday, he wanted two friend to spend the night. When did he make the rules anyway, what did he think it was his birthday? Ok, he had two friends over. Both nights he went to bed late and got up early. So today at his party he was very quite and very reserved. He was very tired. His party was at the skating rink, and it was crowded and hectic. He didn't eat anything but cake. After a few hours was ready to go after a little cry when someone ran into him and hurt his leg. He was done. His party was at 1 o'clock but we didn't leave till after 4 o'clock.
We decided to have an early dinner at a restaurant in town, after he ate a little bit of bread and some salad, before his entree comes out, he tells me, "Mom, I feel a lot better." Well I guess, he was probably starving, he is really shy and I am assuming that he may have been a little overwhelmed at his party besides the fact that he couldn't wait to skate. After his dinner he was a lot better. He actually went home, did his homework, took a bath and went to bed without a fuss or fight. I guess he learned that mommy does know best. Maybe next time he will take it easy. But like most kids, they always have to find out the hard way.
Oh, and yes that is a picture of his birthday cake and it did taste as good as it looks thanks to my wonderful and talented sister-in-law!!
Friday he wanted a friend from school to come over. Ok, that's fine, they played all day and his friend spent the night. Saturday, he wanted two friend to spend the night. When did he make the rules anyway, what did he think it was his birthday? Ok, he had two friends over. Both nights he went to bed late and got up early. So today at his party he was very quite and very reserved. He was very tired. His party was at the skating rink, and it was crowded and hectic. He didn't eat anything but cake. After a few hours was ready to go after a little cry when someone ran into him and hurt his leg. He was done. His party was at 1 o'clock but we didn't leave till after 4 o'clock.
We decided to have an early dinner at a restaurant in town, after he ate a little bit of bread and some salad, before his entree comes out, he tells me, "Mom, I feel a lot better." Well I guess, he was probably starving, he is really shy and I am assuming that he may have been a little overwhelmed at his party besides the fact that he couldn't wait to skate. After his dinner he was a lot better. He actually went home, did his homework, took a bath and went to bed without a fuss or fight. I guess he learned that mommy does know best. Maybe next time he will take it easy. But like most kids, they always have to find out the hard way.
Oh, and yes that is a picture of his birthday cake and it did taste as good as it looks thanks to my wonderful and talented sister-in-law!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
I Actually Joined A Gym!!!
Yes, I actually get up early to go. I will admit most mornings it takes all I have to get my rear out of bed, but so far so good. Yes, I still hit snooze for about half an hour before I get up looking at my bed and then talking myself into getting ready. It becomes a daily ritual, especially when it is really cold outside. But so far I have only missed a few days because I wasn't feeling well.
It isn't my New Year resolution, it is more like I am sick of not fitting into my clothes so I need to do something about it because the walking isn't working fast enough resolution. I still need to working on my eating habits, but one obstacle at a time. I haven't really seen any results yet but I keep telling myself to keep going.
The best part is how good I feel when I get to work and all day long. I have more energy, I am more alert, it is awesome. That is really my only motivation right now, knowing how good I am going to feel when I am done.
Lets just hope this one sticks, I have a closet full of clothes that I am waiting to wear ;)
Friday, January 7, 2011
So I Thought
Well, yesterday was my husbands birthday and my nephew's birthday party. In my family there are a lot of birthdays in January. We only thought we were broke after Christmas.
It was ok because I was getting off at 2:30 pm so I had everything planned out. The party was at 6:30 pm. So I had time to pick my son up from school, wrap the present, give my husband his present, give the 2 year old a bath and get her dressed, eat dinner, you get the picture.
Things are running smoothly, or so I thought. As I am almost home, making good time mind you, my phone rings. It is my husband, he locked his keys in his truck, across town. My dilemma, should I just tell him to break a window? I didn't, between Christmas and birthdays we are too poor to be doing silly things like that.
So I did what any good wife would do. After relaxing for a good 5 seconds, I loaded the kids back in the car, made sure I had his spare set of keys (yes I have forgotten things like that before) and made my trip across town. It took a good hour round trip.
On the way home my 2 year falls asleep and didn't want to wake up. It took over an hour to get her up. I was rushing that last hour and a half before the party, but what else is new. Needless to say we made it on time and the kids had a blast, and I have yet another silly story to share with you.
The best part, the week is finally over !!!!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Its the new year and what is the New Year good for?? Resolutions. You know the things we say that we are going to do but most of us never do. Well at least me anyway. I have never really been one to make New Years resolutions. I make resolutions all year long some stick and some don't.
But in the spirit of the New Year, I am going to make a few resolutions:
1. Get in shape, for real
2. Spend more time with the kids and less time playing on the computer (this does not include blogging ;)
3. Worry less about work
4. Stop worrying about stupid stuff
5. put more time and effort into my writing
6. FINISH MY BOOK (seriously)
Ok that is probably it, it is pointless for me to put anything else down, I will be lucky if I keep the ones I listed.
Happy New Year everyone!!!! Hope its a good one!!
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