This isn't just another mommy blog, it's my mommy blog. What I will write about will simply depend on my mood. Anything is possible. Along with being a mommy, I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Sometimes I will be serious and sometimes I will try to be funny, but its all in a days work. I love being a mom, its the best "job" one could ever have. Any questions or comments can be emailed to me at . Thanks for reading!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

This Is Madness!!!!!!

No, its not Sparta, this is Black Friday!!!!!!! Well I guess you can call me crazy.  Yes, I along with my sister went out into the madness also known as "Black Friday".  Only our "Black Friday" started from Thursday about 9:00 pm.  Now it is never my idea to go out into the madness of crazy people out to find the best deal possible.  My sister however is a fanatic.  She has been talking about it for the past week.  She had her sales papers lined up and her list made before I even got to her house for Thanksgiving dinner.   And of course me being the good sister that I am cannot allow my sister to face the madness alone.  Just about every year I go with her.

So this is how our madness began.

I was already tired from the night before, the little one had a bad night and woke us up quite a few times.  I was unable to get in a little power nap for the night ahead because we had to make a few stops to visit before going to my sisters for dinner.  But still tired and all, I decided to press on.

Around 9:00 pm we decide to go the Toys R Us because they open at 10:00 pm Thursday night with all of these great deals.  We drive by the store and the line is about a mile long (literally).  Although we are crazy, we are not that crazy to stand in a line that long.   Whatever we would be going for wouldn't be there when we got in the store anyway.  We would just go back later. So, on to Walmart,  I hate  (yes I said hate) Walmart on a regular day (too may people and not enough check out lanes.)   Anyway so we arrive at Walmart about 9:10 pm., the deals don't start till midnight.  I wanted to go home and take a nap but my sister wanted to go in an scope the place out.  I didn't win the conversation.  In an effort to help me with my tiredness my sister purchased me this 5 hour energy shot.  I usually don't take this stuff, so a half a dose had me going. It actually worked, although I do not advise the use of such products, even though they are completely legal ;) She is such a bad influence (and my parents call her the good one).

So after three hours of crazy people we did manage to get some good deals.  It was just our luck that as we reached the check out lane a cold front decided to come through.  As we are leaving the store the rain is come down hard and sideways and it is getting really cold.  I ran to the car drove it up and we literally threw everything in, a few things got a little wet but were were soaked.  We went to my sister house to change since she lives close.  We finished that and we were on to Toys R Us.  We got a few good deals but spent way too much money.  I was consumed with delirium by now, no sleep and lots of caffeine. We then went back to Walmart for their 5:00 am deals.  Why?  Because this is "Black Friday">.  We were dealing with a different breed of crazy people because this is when their electronics went on sale.  People were standing next to the items with their hands on them waiting for 5:01 am.  When 5:01 hit it was pure MADNESS!!!!!  My sister made her way through the madness to grab the items that we had went back for.  I am not equipped for that kind of madness and panicked and stepped away from the crowd.  We did get what we went there for, well almost anyway.

So on to the next store.  Nothing to see, so we went to IHOP (yummy) for breakfast.  My sister was starting to wear down I could see it in her eyes.  But by now we might as well finish what we started.  So I took charge. After two more stops and a few more good deals we were done, FINALLY!!!!   I got home after 9:00 am and hadn't slept for over 24 hours.  I crashed and now I am sharing my journey with you.

So here's to you "Black Friday"  and my 5 hour energy shot for such a memorable time of madness.  Until next year ;)
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Monday, November 22, 2010


This evening was bittersweet.  This evening my 2 1/2 year old got her first haircut by moi`.  Ok, it was just a trim but because her hair is so curly it looks a lot shorter.  I am one of those moms that think little girls should have long hair, why, because I did.  So it was extremely hard for me to do.  I had to do something with her hair, it has been getting very knotty lately.  It has also been dry and breaking,  I have been putting everything I can think of to help, but nothing was working, so I decided to trim it. There are so many different lengths and although it seemed long it wasn't a lot of her hair that was long.  So now it is all one length and it looks healthier and shinier. 

It took me about 20 minutes of her sitting on the counter with the scissors in my hand to make the initial cut.  I kept saying "I can't do it!!"  You think that's bad my seven year old was two before he got his first haircut.  He had these beautiful curls and looked like a little girl.  I barely cut his hair the first time, it was still long but he at least looked like a boy after. 

It is bittersweet.  It means that they are getting bigger.  I am sad to see her growing into a big girl, but at the same time excited at what comes next.  I miss her small but I love her little personality at this age.

She of course loves her hair and kept posing in the mirror.  I tried to take a picture but you can't really see any difference in her hair in the pictures.  I will try to post some more later.  Yes, she was running around  the house in her Tinkerbell PJ's dancing with her new do ;)
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


That describes me lately.  I have just been so tired lately.  I know I am making excuses.  I have been slacking with everything from taking care of the kids to cooking dinner.  It has especially been affecting my writing.  I don't know what my problem is.  Not getting enough sleep.  The excuses could go on and on.  It needs to stop, I need to get my rear in gear and just get going again. 

I know, I know, from most of my posts it seems that I am a slacker about 90% of the time.  Seriously, usually I am on the ball ;)  No seriously I am. Just too much on my mind, lately.  Hopefully I get back to normal soon, whatever normal is.

Anybody want to come clean my house???
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Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm Not Your Momma

(Disclaimer:  To all my male readers, you may not appreciate what I am going to say in this post.  Proceed with extreme caution.)

Ok, so I was talking to this man that I know, earlier today.  He was telling me over the weekend about how he and his wife were cleaning house and he did the things that she told him to do and when he was done, he went to install some programs on the computer.  So the rest of the day she was being really rude to him and brief.  When he finally asked her what was wrong, she explained to him that she was cleaning the whole house and he wasn't helping, in fact he was playing on the computer.

I was laughing.  I myself have come across this problem quite frequently with my own husband.  I just thought for awhile that it was just my husband, but apparently this is a man thing. So this man is looking at me saying, she didn't tell me what else I was supposed to do.  So I said to him, she is not your momma.  She is not supposed to tell you everything that you are supposed to do.  He said that is what she told him.  I tell my husband that all of the time.  I am not your momma!!!!

Seriously men,  do women have to tell you everything that you need to do?  You can't look around the house and see what needs to be done and just do it?  Dirty dishes need to be cleaned, dirty clothes need to be washes.  The floors need to be vacuumed, toys need to be picked up. You get the picture.  Women aren't the only ones that can do these chores.  But is seems that men either really don't notice or pretend not to notice. 

Bottom line,  we need help and we shouldn't have to ask for it.  We shouldn't have to tell you what needs to be done.  Look around, see what needs to be done and just do it.  Surprise your wife or significant other.

Remember, she is not your momma!!!
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Men Do It Too

So the other morning on my way to work, I noticed something peculiar.  As I was waiting at the traffic light I looked over at the car beside me and it there was. 

I have never been one of those women who puts on make up in the car.  On occasion I may put on chap stick or lip gloss, but never anything else.  If it isn't done before I leave the house, its not getting done.  I so often see women putting on their makeup, fixing their hair, primping in  their car on their way.  I also hear men complaining about it and making fun.

Well men,  you can no longer make fun of those women, because apparently men do it too. I saw it first hand.

Let me finish my story.  I look over and there is a man shaving in the car next to me.  I laughed.  It was an electric shaver, of course.  Could you imagine someone shaving with a razor and shaving creme, that would be funny and a big mess.  But this was funny too.  He had the mirror down and he was shaving on his way to work, I guess.  I got a kick out of it.

So women we are not alone,  men just act like they don't do stuff like that. But now I know better.
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Today Just Stunk

I am glad the day is over.  I am ready to retire for the night.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  I hate the time change.  If I had the choice I would not participate, I think its stupid.  Adjusting to the time change, whether you gain an hour or lose an hour doesn't help me either way.  Either the kids are up early or I can't get them up because they are too tired.  So for me it doesn't help me.

This morning my seven year old wasn't feeling good and my two year old was just whiny, off to a good start.  I got stuck in traffic because of an accident, so I was late to work, again!!

Work sucked today (excuse my foul language ;)  I was nonstop.  I had (have) more files on my desk then there are in the file cabinet and they don't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.  My  boss had me help him move a heavy table and when I could barely lift it he looked at me like I was a wimp.  I'm a girl,  I may not be "girlie"  but I am still a girl, duh!!  That was the funny part of my day. I couldn't get out of the office fast enough.  I guess I was in a rush to get home to my whinny children ;)

Well now everyone is asleep, and soon I will be too.  Wish I had something better to write about, today just venting.  Tomorrow, hopefully I will have a good story to tell.  Buenos noches!!!
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Friday, November 5, 2010

I Really Need A Vacation

I need a break, a day off, no a week off.  I really need a vacation.  I need some time by myself to sit in the  sun and relax.  I need to have fun and take a load off and leave all my cares and worries somewhere else.  I don't remember the last time that I had a real vacation.  I mean one that didn't involve chasing the kids around, picking up, cleaning up.  Usually I need a vacation from my vacation.

This week has been trying to say the least, but when is it not.  I need a break from everything.  Just some peace and quiet.  Some "me" time.  Yeah, like what is "me" time anyway?  I could use a refresher, but like that is going to happen.

Like I could really leave my kids for a week by myself.  I would go nuts.  What could I possibly do by myself for a whole week anyway?  A girl can dream can't she? 

One day I will take that vacation,  I just need to figure out where I want to go.
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Monday, November 1, 2010


As I am sitting here typing this evening,  my two year old in sitting in the bed singing.  Every little song she can think of and even making up a few.  Why is she doing this?  Simple, she doesn't want to go to sleep.  If she lays down, she has given up and in a few minutes she will be out.  She can't do that.  She is not as tired as usual because she took a really good nap today.  So she has a little more energy than other days. 

I see her slowly creeping her way to the edge of the bed, trying to skillfully and sneakily climb out.  She is talking jibberish  right now.  I can't understand a word she is saying.  One thing I know for sure, there may be a small battle tonight to get her to sleep.  Because tonight, she is wired.  With that cute smile, I will not be broken down, she will not win.

Why is it when we are little going to sleep seems like punishment?  We we are older, we can't seem to get enough of it.  What I would give to sleep all day without a care in the world.

Update:  She is now out of the bed on the side of me talking.  Hopefully I won't lose much sleep tonight.


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